Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Colonialism and Imperialism in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay

 Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness, depicts a life changing excursion that the hero, Marlow, encounters in the African Congo.â The story investigates the verifiable time of expansionism in Africa to represent Marlow's struggles.â Marlow, as different Europeans of his time, is raised to accept certain things about imperialism, yet his perspectives change as he encounters imperialism direct. This article will investigate Marlow's perspective on expansionism, which is formed through his encounters and furthermore from his connection to Kurtz.â Marlow's comprehension of Kurtz's encounters show him the impacts imperialism can have on a man's soul.â In Europe, expansionism was stressed just like an incredible and honorable cause.â It was viewed as, the white keeps an eye on crucial assistance socialize and improve a savage race.â At the start of the book, Marlow discusses the Roman victory of Britain and the comparative circumstance to that of Africa.â The Romans felt the British individuals were savage and looked down on them since they accepted that they had accomplished more.â I trust Marlow attracted this correlation with amusingly show that the Europeans are not as better as they might suspect and than exhibit that they t... ...99. Print. Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A. Heart of Darkness: Overview. Literature Resources from Gale. Hurricane, 1994. Web. 18 Oct. 2014.â Hillman, James. Notes on White Supremacy: Essaying an Archetypal Account of Historical Events, Spring (1986): 29-57. Loe, Thomas. Heart of Darkness: Overview. Literature Resources from Gale. Hurricane, 1991. Web. 18 Oct. 2014. McLynn, Frank. Hearts of Darkness: The European Exploration of Africa. New York: Carol and Gey, 1992. Patrick Brantlinger, ?Heart of Darkness: Anti-Imperialism, Racism, or Impressionism?? Analysis (Fall, 1985) 364.â â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Starbucks †Going Global Fast

Starbucks †Going Global Fast Unique Starbucks, as different organizations, has kept on growing its worldwide tasks for improved business manageability. In actuality, the organization is going worldwide by entering new markets. Then again, there are different dangers that the organization is looking in global markets. In this way, Starbucks has been compelled to manage different components in entering worldwide markets to upgrade its operations.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Starbucks †Going Global Fast explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction Starbucks prides itself as the biggest café organization around the world. It was begun in Seattle as an espresso bean roaster and retailer (Starbucks, 2010, p. 8). From subsequently, the organization has been extending as time passes by to arrive at new markets. Ethically, the organization has in excess of 17,800 stores in 49 unique nations (Starbucks, 2010, p. 12). The greater part of these stores are situated in the United States of America. What's more, it has a huge scope of items to suit distinctive market needs and tastes. In a wide point of view, the vast majority of its items are occasional. This implies they are explicit to a given area that the organization works a store. Starbucks has consistently had great development plans and in 2009 it had anticipated to open 900 stores outside the United States to upgrade its worldwide activities (Starbucks, 2010, p. 6). Starbucks worldwide extension: Controllables It ought to be realized that the organization has managed significant controllable components in entering worldwide markets. The organization has had a major test of keeping up its own development (Starbucks, 2010, p. 21). Indeed, it doesn't have any obligation and has been financing its extension programs with no issue. The organization has likewise been compelled to keep up a tight hold on its own picture. To manage this issue, it has guaranteed that a large portion of its stores are organization claimed. This suggests there will be no establishments to hinder its activities in alternate points of view. Cost is another controllable component that the organization has needed to battle with. For example, Italian bars have thrived by offering clients different quisines. Starbucks has controlled its publicizing and in this way spared a group on its advertising costs (Pendergrast, 2001, p. 8).Advertising Looking for article on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As an obvious truth, it just burns through 1% of its incomes on promoting and this is powerful and proficient. The greater part of this is brought about on new item dispatches and new flavor drinks. When contrasted and different organizations that spend more than $ 300 million on publicizing, the organization burns through $30 million (Pendergrast, 2001, p. 13). The executives development strategies have been kept inside the r ange of the company’s assets in extending to new markets (Starbucks, 2010, p. 24). This has made it feasible for the organization to plan and open another store in under about four months. Moreover, it has additionally had the option to recover its interests in under three years. Development is another controllable component that the organization has constantly used to further its potential benefit (Pendergrast, 2001, p. 32). For this situation, the organization has been exceptionally inventive undoubtedly. This can be clarified from the way that it has introduced programmed coffee machines in excess of 800 areas in an offer to improve administration conveyance in new markets (Bryant, 2009, p. 11). A few years back, the organization started offering prepaid cards. This has improved its exercises in new worldwide markets. Innovation has been grasped at an interior level in the company’s worldwide development methodology (Pendergrast, 2001, p. 12). For this situation, We b innovation has been remembered for its frameworks to expand administration conveyance. This implies clients can preorder and pre-pay for different baked goods and drinks. Starbucks worldwide extension: Relevant wild components The organization has needed to adapt to the eccentric test of being refereed to as a develop organization (Starbucks, 2010, p. 6). This has been seen in the US yet has spread to other outside business sectors. For this situation, the organization will ceaselessly confront an antagonistic gathering from various future shoppers. The organization can not control the quantity of the young populace in various markets. This implies it needs to constantly re-imagine itself for upgraded supportability. It has been widely engaged with statistical surveying to know the necessities of various market sections (Bryant, 2009, p. 431).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Starbucks †Going Global Fast explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More As the organization spreads out, it has confronted diverse social difficulties in unmistakable markets. It ought to be realized that nations have differing social foundations. Culture characterizes the preferences and inclinations of various buyers. In this manner, the organization has been compelled to comprehend distinctive social viewpoints to reinforce its quality (Bryant, 2009, p. 65). It is very evident that a given ware probably won't do well in new universal markets. For this situation, Starbucks has constantly upgraded its product offering to suit new market needs and inclinations. There is no organization that can control the pace of innovative headways. Innovation has kept on spreading quick as time passes by (Pendergrast, 2001, p. 32). For upgraded activities, the organization should stay up with different progressions for an improvement in its tasks. To stay pertinent, Starbucks has consistently grasped innovation and fused it in its activities comparable to the request s of a given new market. Such progressions have been found in the improvement of a prepaid card for clients (David, 2007, p. 7). Rivalry has been expanding in various markets like Japan. This opposition has been escalated as clients request new encounters. Accordingly, the organization should adapt up to rivalry as it isn't in any way to control it. For instance, it has reliably built up an expansive new menu in Japan to stay serious. This has seen it increment its stores to 700 (David, 2007, p. 13). To keep off rivalry, it has additionally evolved occasional items to suit the requirements of the market at that specific time (Bryant, 2009, p. 25). Starbucks has additionally needed to battle with different political and legitimate ties. A model is France’s arcane guidelines and work benefits. Significant wellsprings of dangers confronting Starbucks in its global markets One of the significant dangers that the organization has confronted is an immersed showcase. Despite the fac t that this has been seen in local markets like US and Canada, its belongings have been felt in new and universal markets. As much as it has in excess of 17,800 stores in 49 distinct nations, the organization considers this as a maximum restriction of bistro immersion (Starbucks, 2010, p. 15).Advertising Searching for paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More For example, immersion has likewise been seen in Japan where the impact of new shops has gradually worn off. To check this danger, the organization has constantly remodeled its stores and improved its administrations to stay key in the market (Bryant, 2009, p. 35). Another wellspring of hazard is loosing clients. This is on the grounds that the organization offers not many alternatives to various buyers. As a mater of certainty, it has been bringing in its leader items to new markets. As much as business sectors might be connected, the organization needs to create items dependent on various tastes and inclinations. This will shield it from losing clients who need new encounters (Bryant, 2009, p. 63). The Generation X doesn't feel good with Starbucks stores and this is a major wellspring of business hazard in global markets. For this situation, the organization may wind up confronting an extremely threatening gathering from its future clients. Truly, they will be dismissed by the forc e and picture of the company’s notable brand. To take care of this issue, the organization ought to constantly upgrade its image to make it all the more engaging the young market (Michelli, 2006, p. 17). Worldwide extension represents a major hazard to the company’s universal markets. This is on the grounds that it gets less cash-flow from its abroad endeavors. Such abroad endeavors are worked in organization with neighborhood organizations. For this situation, the organization should concentrate on a decent vital coalition that will expand its productivity. For example, it can grasp coalitions in the securing of properties rather than organizations (Michelli, 2006, p. 19). Incredible snags will likewise be seen in SRC and Ethnocentrism with nearby accomplices. To unravel this, the organization can fend off SRC and Ethnocentrism from its dynamic. There is another danger of worker interruption. For this situation, there is a recognition that the vast majority of the com pany’s representatives are disappointed with their compensation. Starbucks ought to in this manner center around better approaches for lessening representative disturbance to improve administration conveyance in its stores (Michelli, 2006, p. 39). Evaluate Starbucks generally corporate procedure The organization has been making different loses due to an evident crisscross between its client desires and corporate methodology. In spite of the fact that the organization commands the USA advertise, there are different states that don’t have a solitary Starbuck store (Starbucks, 2010, p. 25). This implies it has not focused all in all market. The organization accepts that it can make numerous deals by expanding its stores occasionally. By expanding its stores in local and worldwide markets step by step, the organization has neglected to concentrate on its key crucial fulfilling client needs (Warner, 2004, p. 11). It ought to be realized that the organization c

Friday, August 21, 2020

Free Essays on Mafia

OMERTA? THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN MAFIA Since forever, wrongdoing has existed in a wide range of structures and has been submitted by people, however by bunches also. Wrongdoing is something that knows no limits; it exists in all societies, is submitted by all races, and has existed in unequaled periods. Wrongdoing exists as a piece of the monetary organization and is a way of life for some individuals. Wrongdoing additionally exists in both sorted out and un composed structures. Since the mid 1900's, sorted out wrongdoing has existed in the United States. The accompanying will show where, when, and why the Mafia went to the United States, who sorted out it in the United States, and how it varied from its beginnings in the European mafia. By demonstrating this you will perceive how this particular kind of sorted out wrongdoing has In the ninth century, Arab powers involved Sicily. The local Sicilians were persecuted and took asylum in the encompassing slopes. The Sicilians framed a mystery society to join the locals against the Arab and Norman intruders. This mystery society was called Mafia after the Arabic word for shelter. The general public's goals were to make a feeling of family dependent on parentage and Sicilian legacy. In the 1700's, photos of a dark hand were disseminated to the affluent. This was an implicit solicitation for a measure of cash as a byproduct of assurance. In the event that the cash was not paid, the beneficiaries could expect viciousness, for example, kidnappings, bombings, and murder. By the nineteenth century, this general public became bigger and all the more criminally arranged. In 1876, Mafia Don Rafael Palizzolo, pursued political position in Sicily. He constrained the voters to decide in favor of him under gunpoint. Subsequent to being chosen into office, he advanced Mafia Don Crispi as Prime Minister. Together the two put Sicily under government control and piped government assets to the general public known as the Mafia. In the 1800's, New Orleans was the biggest Mafia site in the United States. It was while examining the ... Free Essays on Mafia Free Essays on Mafia OMERTA? THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN MAFIA From the beginning of time, wrongdoing has existed in a wide range of structures and has been submitted by people, yet by bunches also. Wrongdoing is something that knows no limits; it exists in all societies, is submitted by all races, and has existed in untouched periods. Wrongdoing exists as a piece of the monetary foundation and is a way of life for some individuals. Wrongdoing additionally exists in both composed and un sorted out structures. Since the mid 1900's, composed wrongdoing has existed in the United States. The accompanying will show where, when, and why the Mafia went to the United States, who composed it in the United States, and how it varied from its beginnings in the European mafia. By indicating this you will perceive how this particular sort of composed wrongdoing has In the ninth century, Arab powers involved Sicily. The local Sicilians were persecuted and took asylum in the encompassing slopes. The Sicilians shaped a mystery society to join the locals against the Arab and Norman trespassers. This mystery society was called Mafia after the Arabic word for asylum. The general public's expectations were to make a feeling of family dependent on parentage and Sicilian legacy. In the 1700's, photos of a dark hand were disseminated to the well off. This was an implicit solicitation for a measure of cash as an end-result of assurance. In the event that the cash was not paid, the beneficiaries could expect savagery, for example, kidnappings, bombings, and murder. By the nineteenth century, this general public became bigger and all the more criminally situated. In 1876, Mafia Don Rafael Palizzolo, pursued political position in Sicily. He constrained the voters to decide in favor of him under gunpoint. In the wake of being chosen into office, he advanced M afia Don Crispi as Prime Minister. Together the two put Sicily under government control and channeled government assets to the general public known as the Mafia. In the 1800's, New Orleans was the biggest Mafia site in the United States. It was while exploring the ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples Helps You With Writing

National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples Helps You With WritingIn many cases, a national junior honor society essay sample will help to enhance your knowledge about writing. What do you know about writing from school? How about from working at home?It is just so amazing how much you learn by just putting pen to paper and living your inner life. However, it is only as good as the way you express yourself in words. A lot of people think that if they can express themselves in sentences, they are ready to earn money. The truth is, there is a big difference between getting money and expressing yourself.All articles are not created equal. There are certain things that you must not miss out, such as plagiarism, grammar, and spelling errors. If you get these three wrong, your article will be rejected.A scholarship essay is not an easy task, but if you are really serious about writing, you can do it. But first, you have to improve your skill set. You do not have to write so many paragraphs . Make each paragraph section shorter and focus on one or two important points.As you start, choose a topic that interests you. Pick one you are knowledgeable about and write about it. Then write what you know about that topic. This is the best time to practice how to talk about something. It is also the best time to research.Online essay writers offer some great writing services, so be sure to look into them. Find the site that offers free samples. If you are not satisfied with the first few samples, you can always try another. Most sites offer a sample first, then give the author a credit to purchase a full set of samples.Your writer's skills may not be great when you were in school, but there is no need to worry. This is the most competitive field in this world today and no one knows everything. This means that you will have to continuously improve your skills. Stay focused, stay positive, and you will excel at your career.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Killer Whale (Orca) Facts

With their striking black and white markings and prevalence at marine parks, the killer whale, also known as the orca or Orcinus orca, is probably one of the most easily-recognized cetacean species. The largest of the dolphin species, orcas live in oceans and seas around the world and can grow to 32 feet long and weigh up to six tons. The name killer whale originated with whalers, who called the species whale killer because of its tendency to prey on whales along with other species such as pinnipeds and fish. Over time, perhaps because of the whales tenacity and ferocity in hunting, the name was switched to killer whale. Fast Facts: Killer Whales (Orcas) Scientific Name: Orcinus orcaCommon Name(s): Killer whale, orca, blackfish, grampusBasic Animal Group:  Mammal  Ã‚  Size:16–26 feetWeight: 3–6 tonsLifespan: 29–60 yearsDiet:  CarnivoreHabitat:  All oceans and most seas with a preference for northern latitudesPopulation:  50,000Conservation  Status:  Data Deficient Description Killer whales, or orcas, are the largest member of the Delphinidae—the family of cetaceans known as the dolphins. Dolphins are a type of toothed whale, and members of the Delphinidae family share several characteristics—they have cone-shaped teeth, streamlined bodies, a pronounced beak (which is less pronounced in orcas), and one blowhole, rather than the two blowholes found in baleen whales. Male killer whales can grow to a maximum length of 32 feet, while females can grow to 27 feet in length. Males weigh up to six tons while females can weigh as little as three tons. An identifying characteristic of killer whales is their tall, dark dorsal fin, which is much larger in males—a males dorsal fin can reach a height of six feet, while a females dorsal fin can reach a maximum height of about three feet. Males also have larger pectoral fins and tail flukes. All killer whales have teeth on both their top and bottom jaws—48 to 52 teeth in total. These teeth can be up to 4 inches long. Although toothed whales have teeth, they dont chew their food—they use their teeth for capturing and tearing food. Young killers whales get their first teeth at 2 to 4 months of age. Researchers identify individual killer whales by the size and shape of their dorsal fins, the shape of the saddle-shaped, light patch behind the dorsal fin, and marks or scars on their dorsal fins or bodies. Identifying and cataloging whales based on natural markings and characteristics is a type of research called photo-identification. Photo-identification allows researchers to learn about the life histories, distribution, and behavior of individual whales, and more about species behavior and abundance as a whole.   wildestanimal/Getty Images Habitat and Range Killer whales are often described as the most cosmopolitan of all cetaceans. They can be found in all oceans of the world, and not just in the open ocean—near shore, at the entrance to rivers, in semi-enclosed seas, near the equator, and in polar regions covered with ice. In the United States, orcas are most commonly found in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Diet Killer whales are at the top of the food chain and have very diverse diets, feasting on fish, penguins, and marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and even whales, employing teeth that can be four inches long. They are known to grab seals right off the ice. They also eat fish, squid, and seabirds. Gerard Soury/Getty Images Behavior Killer whales may work in pods to hunt their prey and have a number of interesting techniques to hunt prey, which includes working together to create waves to wash seals off ice floes and sliding onto beaches to capture prey. Killer whales use a variety of sounds for communicating, socializing and finding prey. These sounds include clicks, pulsed calls, and whistles. Their sounds are in the range of 0.1 kHz to about 40 kHz. Clicks are primarily used for echolocation, although they may also be used for communication. The pulsed calls of killer whales sound like squeaks and squawks and appear to be used for communication and socialization. They can produce sounds very rapidly—at a rate of up to 5,000 clicks per second. You can hear killer whale calls here on the Discovery of Sound in the Sea website. Different populations of killer whales make different vocalizations, and different pods within these populations may even have their own ​dialect. Some researchers can distinguish individual pods, and even matrilines (the line of relationship that can be traced from one mother to her offspring), just by their ​calls. Danita Delimont/Getty Images Reproduction and Offspring Killer whales reproduce slowly: Mothers give birth to a single baby about every three to 10 years, and pregnancy lasts for 17 months. Babies nurse for up to two years. Adult orcas generally help mothers to care for their young. While young orcas may separate from their birth pod as adults, many stay with the same pod throughout their lives. Male and female orcas. Kerstin Meyer / Getty Images Threats Orcas, like other cetaceans, are threatened by a range of human activities including noise, hunting, and habitat disturbance. Other threats faced by killer whales include pollution (orcas can carry chemicals such as PCBs, DDTs and flame retardants that can affect the immune and reproductive systems), ship strikes, reduction of prey due to overfishing, and loss of habitat, entanglement, ship strikes, irresponsible whale watching, and noise in the habitat, which can affect the ability to communicate and find prey. Conservation Status The International Union for Conservation of Nature had, for years, described orcas a conservation dependent. They changed that assessment to data deficient in 2008 to recognize the probability that different species of killer whales experience different levels of threat. Species Killer whales were long considered one species—Orcinus orca, but now it appears that there are several species (or at least, subspecies—researchers are still figuring this out) of orcas. As researchers learn more about orcas, they have proposed separating the whales into different species or subspecies based on genetics, diet, size, vocalizations, location and physical appearance. In the Southern Hemisphere, proposed species include those referred to as Type A (Antarctic), large type B (pack ice killer whale), small Type B (Gerlache killer whale), Type C (Ross Sea killer whale), and Type D (Subantarctic killer whale). In the Northern Hemisphere, proposed types include resident killer whales, Biggs (transient) killer whales, offshore killer whales, and Type 1 and 2 Eastern North Atlantic killer whales.   Determining species of killer whales is important not only in gaining information about the whales but in protecting them—it is difficult to determine the abundance of killer whales without even knowing how many species there are. Killer Whales and Humans According to Whale and Dolphin Conservation, there were 45 killer whales in captivity as of April 2013. Due to protection in the U.S. and restrictions on trade, most parks now obtain their killer whales from captive breeding programs. This practice has even been controversial enough that SeaWorld stated in 2016 that it would stop breeding orcas.  While the viewing of captive orcas has likely inspired thousands of budding marine biologists and helped scientists learn more about the species, it is a controversial practice due to the potential effects on the whales health and ability to socialize naturally. Sources â€Å"Orcas: Killer Whales Are the Larges Dolphin Species.†Ã‚  Orcas (Killer Whales): Facts and Information, 25 Mar. 2019, â€Å"Killer Whale.†Ã‚  NOAA Fisheries,â€Å"Orca.†Ã‚  National Wildlife Federation,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on DISCRIMINATION - 715 Words

Although I had always thought that I could never be discriminated for any reason, two years ago I felt discriminated. One Friday, while working in a large corporation in the administrative department, the president of the corporation organized a meeting for the administrative and accounting departments. The president of the company mentioned that the accounting department was opening a new position as Junior Controller Management. Moreover, he said that there were only two candidates who were postulated for it. I knew I was one of them. In fact, most of my co-workers started talking about it and all were claiming me as the winner. I was extremely happy. But, I wanted to wait for the real nomination that was going to take place the†¦show more content†¦For instance, women only care to get married and have children. I explained to them that it was not my case. Yet, the decision was already taken and all of the executive members agreed that giving the position to a male gender was the right choice. At that moment, I was almost paralyzed. I could not believe what I was living. I kept asking myself that the United States was a free country and all its citizens have the same rights of freedom and equality. Not only I felt totally frustrated and disillusioned because I did not get the promotion, but also because I understood that it was not fair what this people were doing with me. In fact, I realized that I was a vivid example of one or maybe two types of discrimination factors such as gender and age. I could not accept the fact that I was discriminated for being a young woman, and not because of my competency for the position. My reaction to this episode was not smart. Although once I thought about the idea of suing the company for discrimination, later I though it was ridiculous because I knew that I was going to waste time, money and I was not ready for something like that. Today, I think differently. I regret for not suing them. From that moment and on, I decided to start looking for another job because I acknowledged that it was impossible to think about getting promoted to a high level position in that company. It has been almost one year, and I still remember the conversation that I had with those men, who wereShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1161 Words   |  5 PagesDiscrimination in U.S.A Introduction This term is utilized to highlight the contrast in treatment between individuals from diverse groups when one group is purposefully treated†¦ 1. Gender Discrimination †¢ Although gender discrimination has decreased a lot as compared to past but still the situation is far from ideal†¦ †¢ Several institutions are reluctant to give important and commanding posts to women†¦ †¢ Gender discrimination is also evident in social life of America†¦ 2. Religious DiscriminationRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1169 Words   |  5 PagesII 10/5/2017 Discrimination Of People in the Workplace Does Discrimination still exist in the work environment? You bet. This paper focuses on discrimination laws that help women and men, who are treated differently because of their sexuality, race, religion and gender identity. Federal and State laws forbid discrimination against race, religion, sexual orientation, sex, and gender identity even though it still happens to many people. (Employment Law Handbook. (n.d.).) Discrimination Laws OrganizationsRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1626 Words   |  7 PagesDiscrimination is the concept of treating someone unfairly due to a specific prejudice you have toward them, as stated by Pincus (2006) on distinguishing the two â€Å"prejudice is what people think and discrimination is what people do†[1] thus to discriminate a child would be to act upon your feeling toward them. Within practice this could be shown through singling out a child due to their race, religion, disability and/or gender etc., such behaviours are not condoned nor allowed within the educationRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1513 Words   |  7 PagesDiscrimination In today s lesson, you will be learning about discrimination. First off, you have 30 seconds to think of any reasons why discrimination may occur: Write your answers the text box below: Discrimination: Occurs when a person is subject to unfair treatment, based upon a characteristic that is considered to be abnormal, in association with certain individuals or groups, lifestyle choices, or a personal circumstance that is not desired in the workplace. What laws cover non-discriminationRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination947 Words   |  4 Pages Discrimination is an action or practice that excludes disadvantages or merely differentiates between individuals on the basis of some ascribed or perceived trait. Discrimination can be caused by stereotyping and prejudice. Stereotyping is a widely fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on a reason or an actual experience. Some groups that are more likely to be discriminated against are; women, ethnic minoritiesRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination821 Words   |  4 Pages Discrimination is typically defined as the practice of treating a person differently from other people or groups of people. In terms of economics, discrimination occurs when people with similar economic characteristics, experience different economic outcomes due to their race, sex or other noneconomic attributes. For instance, a black worker whose skills and experience is identical to those of a white worker but receives a much lower wage is a victim of discrimination. A country will not be operatingRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination Essay1260 Words   |  6 PagesDiscrimination is an ongoing issue that many individuals experience daily. It affects a numerous amount of diverse beings in a multitude of circumstances and locations. One’s race is not the only presiding factor in being victim to discrimination, often times it can be an individual’s gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, personal values, and cultural background. Discrimination is not just about being discriminated against but sometimes it can be an unintentional maltreatment of one differentRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination Essay1142 Words   |  5 Pagesis referred to as discrimination. Discrimination can be based on many different characteristics age, gender, weight, ethnicity, religion, or even politics. For example, prejudice and discrimination ba sed on race is called racism. Oftentimes, gender prejudice or discrimination is referred to as sexism. Discrimination is often the outcome of prejudice pre-formed negative judgment or attitude. Prejudice leads people to view certain individuals or groups as inferior. Discrimination refers to the arbitraryRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1788 Words   |  8 PagesDiscrimination has played a role in humanity from the beginnings of human existence to the modern societies of today. Every individual has experienced an act of discrimination at some point; yet, most questions surrounding this fundamental human flaw remain unanswered. One belief that has overwhelming support is the fact that discrimination can lead to significant negative effects. These effects mediate how an individual is able or unable to deal with discrimination. Thus, the discussion of discriminationRead MoreDiscrimination, Discrimination And Discrimination Essay2406 Words   |  10 PagesUnfortunately, discrimination has been occurring in America for hundreds of years. Evidence proves this when the European settlers began colonizing America and making the Native American people their slaves. It didn’t stop there, discrimination and racism was e ven more apparent when the Jim Crow Laws were passed. The Jim Crow Laws enforced segregation between the whites and the African Americans. For years, the unlucky Americans of all races, colors, and sexual orientation have endured discrimination at some

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Change Effort Competition and Survive

Question: Discuss about theChange Effort for Competition and Survive. Answer: Introduction: Every business hopes to run in the long race of competition and survive it. But that is only possible if it bring changes in the organisation at least once during its lifetime. These change efforts can be determined under many headings like reengineering, restructuring, total quality management, turnarounds, and cultural change. For this the organisation needs to have the change effort introduced in the business which will make it more coping with the challenges of the business (Guo and Wang, 2015). These changes prove to be successful in some cases and an utter failure for some. But most of them fall towards failure side. IBM has conducted a study on the companies who failed in the change effort process and the reason behind their failure. In this essay, the reasons and the nature of change effort failure along with the recommendations to bring success in change effort are discussed (Howsawi et al., 2014). Each organisation planning to introduce changes in their organisation first plans a strategy and then implements the changes required by the organisation. Still, there are many examples of organisations that failed in the attempt of bringing change in their organisation. The various reasons for a failure of effort change are explored here. The first reason is lack of communication or failure of management to communicate exactly what are the changes and how they are supposed to look like. Incomplete knowledge or information will never give the desired result to the organisation. The second reason is a part of communication. People having different agendas may take the communicated message regarding the change in their own way. Hence, the effort required for the change is also as per their understanding. Some employees may feel threatened by the change, or the change may affect their ego or self-interest. Some may feel that they are totally alienated from the change. This may again act as a hindrance for the successful outcome of the change effort (Johnson, 2011). The third reason for the failure of change effort can be insensitivity. Many people cannot accept change easily. The ultimate aim of an organisation is to earn a profit and for that changes becomes necessary but the employees of an organisation may like the change or not, and that depends on person to person. Fourthly, it is managements duty to create an atmosphere so that employees can easily adjust to the changes, but most of the time organisations management fails to do that. This makes people feel alienated, and they do not perform the way they are expected to (Klein, 2016). The next reason for the failure of change effort is the poor planning. Changing directions of an organisations working process require foresight. If any changes are done in an organisation without proper planning, then the result is eventually failure. The sixth reason for the failure can be a lack of commitment. Introducing cha nge in an organisation requires hundred percent commitment from the management as well as from the employees for making it a success. Finally, the success of a change requires proper processes, which is necessary for the implementation of the change. Therefore, if the process is poor, then the result will also be poor (Pieterse, Caniels and Homan, 2012). Few examples of the failure of change effort are discussed here. A company called Borders founded in 1971 by Tom and Louis Border was the biggest bookseller in the 1990s. The company was on its top when it took some missteps (Newby, 2010). The company planned an aggressive expansion of the companys retail footprints which left it with long-term leases that later took the company to bankruptcy. Second, the change in the sales channel to internet sales through a deal with Amazon, and through their own website which came much later in the picture. Next, it decided to support an e-reader Kobo but were not able to give sufficient support. All this unplanned and badly processed decisions of Borders led the company to total bankruptcy, which also did not help it a lot (Johnson, 2011). Another example of the change effort failure is of a well-known company Kodak. Kodak was founded in 1888; soon it created a monopoly in the camera and film developing market. To continue the monopoly in the ma rket, Kodak has to consider changes as the time progressed. It didnt adopt the changes at the right time. In 1990, when Polaroid was taking a huge gain in the market, Kodak also decided to change its strategy and entered the instant photography market. This proved to be the wrong change that the company decided to make. The Polaroid Company sued the Kodak for stealing their technology and selling it in their own name. It also becomes unattached with its customers and smaller companies took over the market and Kodak came to an end (Pandit, 2014). Leavitt offered a new theory for the success of the change efforts in an organisation. This theory was known as the change diamond that was a combination of four different interactive components of an organisation. According to Leavitts theory, the four components that are people, structure, task, and technology determine the fate of an organisation regarding the change effort. He says that if there is any change in any one component then all the other components will also be affected. Thus, if any one component is changed then all the other components are also needed to be tweaked to adjust as per the change (Lunenburg, 2012). According to the change diamond the employees are the people of an organisation. Their skills, efficiency, knowledge, and productivity, are considered as their main initiative. If there is a change in the task, then training the employees becomes necessary to make them familiar with the change. If their job structure is getting changed, then proper information about new responsibilities and duties should be conveyed to them. In the same way, if any, changes are being brought up in the technology, and then an extensive training is required so that the employees can efficiently handle the new technology (Hornstein, 2015). A task in an organisation refers to the achievement of the goals of the organisation and by doing that these goals are being achieved. The focus should be on the qualitative aspects of the goals and tasks. If there is a change in the man power, then the task and goals should also be redefined so that an organisation could use the skills and knowledge of its people to the optimum. Change in hierarchy structure requires a change in the tasks and goals. If there is a split or merge of a department, then the company cannot continue with the same goals and task. Introducing a new technology also requires a change in tasks and goals to cover the cost of the new technology (Edmondson, 2011). The structure of an organisation includes the hierarchy, communication pattern, and coordination in all the levels of an organisation. Also, the flow of authority is also included in the structure. If more skilled and qualified manpower is being hired in an organisation, then the hierarchical needs will also change. There will be less amount of supervision required. If a company changes their set of goals, for example, a new customer support department will be required in an organisation if they change their retail department to customer centric. This will bring a change in the structure of the company. When a company introduces a new technology like computerisation or automation, then requirement new staff may be required, and old post may need to be closed (Decker and Durand, 2016). Technology is the component that helps people in performing their tasks easily. LAN lines, computers, software applications, etc. all come under technology. If there is a change in the other components of the Leavitts diamond, then technology also has to be changed. Like, if a company is hiring a computer expert then the company also has to provide a computer to use its skills up to the maximum limit. If a company is going computerised then, the tasks and goals will also change as different processes need to be added in the tasks. The technology reduces the workload of a man. Thus, the requirement of manpower also decreases. But, advance technology needs advance technicians to run them, which opens new posts in the company. Thus, this leads to a change in the hierarchy of the company (Grills et al., 2016). For the success of the change effort, it becomes necessary for the organisation to make sure that all the components of the organisation are getting the right amount of focus, and planning. If they all are in sync with the change, then only change effort can lead to success of the organisation (Grills et al., 2016). An organisation has an ultimate goal that is to earn a profit, but with the changing demands, and an introduction of new technologies by the competitors it becomes necessary for the organisation to adopt and introduce changes. IBMs study regarding the failure of change efforts and its reason is a good step towards the success of the change effort, as the future of the organisation lies in the change. It becomes very necessary for an organisation to adopt changes at the right time and also in the right way that it helps the company to grow and claim its market share in the industry better than before. It is true that the failure ratio is a bit high, than the success ratio when an organisation goes for the change effort. But if an organisation plans and then follows the plan according to the organisational demand then it will definitely lead to success of the company. Hence, it can be concluded that for the successful change effort all the different components of the organisation are n eed to be focused (Guo and Wang, 2015). References Grills, N., Varghese, J., Hughes, N., Jolly, T. and Kumar, R. (2016). The success of the Uttarakhand Cluster: a case study of organisational change towards disability inclusive development.BMC Health Services Research, 16(1). Guo, Y. and Wang, C. (2015). Effects of organisational culture on post-implementation success of ERP systems: a case study.International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 7(3), p.203. Howsawi, E., Eager, D., Bagia, R. and Niebecker, K. (2014). The four-level project success framework: application and assessment.Organisational Project Management, 1(1), p.1. Johnson, D. (2011).2 Big Companies That Missed The Opportunity To Adapt To New Technology. [online] Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Klein, L. (2016). Exploring the Organisational Collage of Memetic Paradigms for (a) Change A Research Note.Journal of Organisational Transformation Social Change, 13(1), pp.54-63. Newby, P. (2010). Accuracy, error, uncertainty-and thanks and organisational change.The Photogrammetric Record, 25(130), pp.101-104. Pandit, B. (2014).10 Businesses That Failed to Adapt. [online] Business Pundit. Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Decker, and Durand, (2016).Predicting Implementation Failure in Organization Change. [online] Available at: https://Predicting Implementation Failure in Organization Change [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. Edmondson, A. (2011).Strategies for Learning from Failure. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. Hornstein, H. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), pp.291-298. Lunenburg, F. (2012).Approaches to Managing Organizational Change. [online] Available at:,%20Fred%20C%20Approaches%20to%20Managing %20Organizational%20Change%20IJSAID%20v12%20n1%202010.pdf [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. Pieterse, J., Caniels, M. and Homan, T. (2012). Professional discourses and resistance to change.Journal of OrgChange Mgmt, 25(6), pp.798-818.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The San Francisco 1989 Earthquake Essay Example For Students

The San Francisco 1989 Earthquake Essay The Loma Prieta EarthquakeOn Tuesday October 17, 1989 at 5:04 PM the Loma Prieta earthquake struck the San Francisco, Monterey Bay, and Silicon Valley areas. Those were no the only areas affected. Many areas up to 70 and 100 miles away could feel the tremble of the quake. The epicenter of the quake was in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The quake measured a magnitude of 7.1. The initial quake lasted 15 seconds. The USGS first thought the magnitude of the quake would be about 6.9 but it increased to 7.1. The quake destroyed many buildings and freeways. A section of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed. The power was out in many places and the telephone lines were out also. This was the first time the power had been out since the 1906 earthquake. The earthquake killed 68 people and injured 3,757 people. The cost of the quake was estimated at $6 to $7 billion dollars. The quake happened during the 1989 World Series. The San Francisco Giants were playing the Oakland Athletics. The match up was called the Bay Bridge World Series. The game was postponed for a month. They were playing at Candlestick Park. We will write a custom essay on The San Francisco 1989 Earthquake specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Airports were closed for inspection or repairs. Ceiling Tiles and broken glass were the main reason for the airports being closed. After a while the airports reopened and some local pilots helped fly emergency supplies to airports near the seriously damaged and in need areas. Roads were jammed with cars trying to get home or trying to get out of the earthquake area. The news media were desperate to get time on a satellite to broadcast their story to the rest of the world. People say that the media made the damaged areas look worse than they really were because they only focused on the bad areas and they got cities mixed up. Most people away from the center of the quake were only inconvenienced by the quake. They only had broken windows or broken pools. The insides of these peoples houses were a wreck. These people quickly recovered from the quake. The people closer to the center of the quake were not so fortunate. Some of these people lost all their belongings including their house. These people wouldnt get things back together for months or maybe even years. Damage and loss of life were reduced because of Californias strict building codes which required buildings to be strong enough to survive even larger quakes. Having the public educated in earthquake readiness helped a lot. The people knew how to react in a quake and how to save their own life and the lives of others. The fires that broke out after the initial quake were of even worse threat. There were at least 27 fires that broke out across the city. The citizens formed a bucket brigade to help the firefighters who were without water because of water main brakes. The fires were disastrous they burned down apartment buildings, shops and even the fire chiefs house in one city. Some people went looting in the downtown areas. The District Attorney said, If there is anyone arrested tonight for burglary or looting, tomorrow morning we are going to go into court and demand that there is no bail. Anyone engaged in that kind of conduct can expect maximum sentences. Some people were arrested for looting and they were severely penalized. The earthquake didnt only cause trouble for the San Francisco Bay area. It caused a four-foot tsunami wave in Monterey Bay as well as a huge undersea landslide. The sea level in Santa Cruz dropped three feet. The wave took 20 minuets to reach Monterey. .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b , .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .postImageUrl , .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b , .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:hover , .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:visited , .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:active { border:0!important; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:active , .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf18eb1e72418b3f91a95bf65f3b48e8b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Voltaire EssayVice President Dan Quayle and his wife flew to San Diego to see the damage. The spent four hours there and didnt even make contact with the may who had been awake since the quake started. The mayor called the visit a cheap publicity stunt Our Vice President Al Gore did the same thing when he came to Cincinnati during our flood. Mr. Gore took his shoes and socks off and put his foot in the Ohio River. What was the point of that. Mr. Quayle said this after touring the area, Just walking through here and seeing the loss of property, knowing the loss of life, it hits you right here in the heart, and that is the reason Im here. Many people and companies and the Government helped the damaged city. They helped my donating food, supplies, the government signed a $3.45 billion earthquake relief package for California, railroad companies helped transport needed materials for repairing the freeways, people donated their time, construction companies helped rebuild buildings, companies all over the country donated the needed materials to rebuild the cities, and other countries donated doctors, geologists, and supplies. Bibliographyfor theLoma PrietaReportI got all my information from the Internet and the packet that the school got off the Internet. I didnt write down the web page addresses, but I do have the names of some of the pages.. KRON Online television Quake of 89 Hot Topic: 5 years Ago: Loma Prieta EarthquakeThe Great Loma Prieta EarthquakeEarthquakes: Eyewitness accountsSeismological Society of AmericaUSGS United States Geological SurveyEQEABAGThose are the names and abbreviations of the sites and companies that I received information from. FACTS PAGEFacts about the Loma Prieta EarthquakeDate of Quake:October 17, 1989Time:5:04pmMagnitude:7.1Deaths:68Injuries:3,757Homes Damaged:23,408Homes Destroyed:1,018Businesses Damaged:3,530Business Destroyed:366Estimated Dollar Loss:$6 billion to $7 billionAftershocks:More than 7,000

Friday, March 13, 2020

Acid Deposition

Acid Deposition Introduction Nearly every element of within the periodic table has found its way into the atmosphere. As an ease when studying the element and there species composition of compounds in the atmosphere, Seinsfield and Pandis (21) suggest categorizing of the atmospheric compounds as containing halogens, sulfur, carbon or nitrogen.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Acid Deposition specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Probably, this classification rides on the fact that emissions into the atmosphere breakdown from original compounds into component species before exiting the atmosphere in a cyclic phenomenon. Actually, the cyclic process of substances is contained in the biogeochemical cycle of elements. The scope of understanding the cyclic processes comprises atmospheric movement across Oceania, land terrains, biospheres, inter alia; chemical transitions (quantity and quality) of the substances and rates of circulatio n and transfer (Seinsfield and Pandis 21). The geographical paradigm gives this subject the spatial and temporal references, since the transportation aspect is a vector quantity that can be justified through a scalar quantity of time and direction. Mehta (124) explains that in 1852, Robert Angus Smith made-up the term acid rain. It was not until 1972, when the concept of acid rain became familiar in the western industrial world. The term referred to atmospheric acidity levels (at pH above 5.6) that surpass normal levels for rain, fog and smog. The precipitation (deposition) of these acidic concentrates impacted on ecosystems, antiquities and human health. Acid rain was traced back into the gradual Geo-biological processes within nature and accelerated volcanic emissions (Mehta 124). The problematic scope of acid deposition gained wider magnitude when it was realized that it evolved into a trans-boundary affair. It was revealed that there was mobility of precursor elements emitted fr om the industrial heartlands in Europe and North America.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Emissions containing precursors- sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen (referred to as NOX species) form the major bulk of acid rain. In order to effect solutions towards acid rain, a critical loads framework on emission cuts and ecosystem recovery was developed. Already, Europe has generated maps depicting critical loads. Driscoll, Lambert and Chen (28) note that in the US three forms of acid deposition have occurred. These are wet, dry and cloud or fog depositions. Through research, more than 200 sites have been monitored as experiencing wet deposition consisting of rain, snow, sleet and hail. Dry deposition consists of vapor, particles and gases. Some coastal areas and high altitudes have been exposed to dry and cloud deposition. Driscoll, Lambert and Chen (28) e xplain that the pattern of dry and cloud deposition widely varies spatially and temporally; thus, making it intricate to give consistent characteristics. Because dry and cloud deposition can accompany the other two deposition forms then researchers have resorted to bulk deposition measuring using open collector. Literature Review Tracking Acid Rain: The Case study of The Rust Belt, US Case Background The industrial heartlands of the US are located in the Rust Belt (Midwestern American). The Rust Belt extends into Canada within the Canadian Heartlands. EIR/LaRouche Youth Movement Economics Team (2006) describes the Rust Belt as covering Pennsylvania and New York (Western) this extends into Missouri. A quarter of the US populace resides within the industrial heartland. Mair et al. (361) indicate that heartland is at the center of a major transplant corridor for automobile manufacturers from the Asian and European world. These industrial plants were strategically located to give them a competitive advantage in production capacity and market supply. The interest of the Asian investors to set up automobile plants in the US was driven by the protectionist belief of cutting down their exports into America (Mair et al. 355).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Acid Deposition specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mair et al (354) explains that the conceptual approach of the automobile plants was Just-in-Time to imply that the target was mass production to meet the demand within an area and the adjacent environs of America. Not only did the heartlands host automobile plants but also other electrical utilities and metal plants. While the metal plants are in the east; the automobile plants are in the west of the heartland. Heartlands greatly symbolize the economic capacity and industrial advancements achieved. Figure 1: Map of Heartland of North America Source: â€Å"The Industrial Heartland of North A merica† Lind (148) explains that long term rainfall data in the heartland area gave indications of acid rain. This has translated to heavy environmental damage. The extent of damage has contributed to a reduction in industrial development. This has translated into economic losses. In the far Northeast and outside the industrial heartland, the problem of acid rain continues to persist. Actually, about 33 percent of emissions causing acid rain in the down wind area (that is, far Northeast) traces back from the automobile sites in the Midwest (the source area). Lind (149) notes that economic factors have motivated the use of coal conversion and the combustion of sulfur containing coal. From an economic geography perspective, heartlands are tailored to receive raw inputs to facilitate industrial activities. Nevertheless, strategizing for the heartland location the risk regime and environmental impacts should be factored in. Lind (150) observes that effort to reach at a negotiated equitable solution between the source areas and the downwind areas have failed. Factors Contributing to Acid Rain Formation Acid rain has a set of preconditions that facilitate the formation process (Wang and Wang 2297). The concentration of the emitted precursor elements, compounds in rainfall, aerosols and their capacity to buffer and weather conditions are some of the contributory factors leading to acid formation.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Figure 2: Conceptual Framework to Acid Rain Formation Figure 3: Acid Rain Cycle Source: Downing, Ramankutty and Shah (14) Airborne pollution due to release of Sulfur dioxide and NOX species is the primary source of precursor elements leading to acid rain. Once in the atmosphere, these pollutants undergo a chemical interaction with atmospheric water and oxygen (Downing, Ramankutty and Shah 13). In the presence of other atmospheric chemicals, sulfur dioxide and NOX species end up forming sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Emissions can remain within the atmosphere longer and a drift to far places prior to deposition on the surface. Prevailing winds play an important role in drifting the pollutants. Deposition of acid rain takes many forms such as dew, snow, fog, so on (Downing, Ramankutty and Shah 13). Use of fossil fuel, sulfur containing coal and biomass combustion is the common sources of acid rain precursor elements. Adverse effects of acid deposition include loss of forest cover th rough complex interactions, destruction of aquatic life and their ecosystems, loss of aesthetic value for monuments and cultural resources and human respiratory health risks Downing, Ramankutty and Shah 14). Emissions are released from large point sources like combustion plants were thought to have a localized impact. Increased concerns based on this premise led to the building of new facilities that have longer smokestacks, tailored to disperse the emission over a wider area. Large scale dispersion and distribution of acidification may be a regional concern. Acid Rain and Emission Cuts Milestone In the United States, the proportional release by factory processes, electric utilities and combustions are two-thirds, 15 percent and 9 percent, respectively (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 27). Moreover, automobiles account for over half of human related sources of nitrogen oxides. Electric utilities and combustion processes account for 22 percent and 14 percent of NOX emissions, respectively . In 2002, more than 50 percent of precursor elements release occurred in seven states within the Ohio River Valley (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 29). Five of these states dominate in the release of nitrogen oxides. The decline of air quality forms an indicator of adverse impacts of release of precursor elements. In 1973, the level of emission in the United States had highs of over 29 million metric tons, yearly. Within a period of twenty years since 1950 there has been a decline of over a half of sulfur dioxide due to the Amendments of the Clean Air Act (CAAA). In 2002, the emission levels were 13.9 million metric tons. In 1990, NOX species emissions had the highest toll at 22.7 million metric tons. In the following decade, emissions declined by 12 percent. NOX emission targets were set to decrease by almost 2 million tons within the specifics of the 1990 CAAA (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 27). Moreover, there are state initiatives meant to augment emission cuts locally (Driscoll, Lamb ert and Chen 230). There have been international efforts towards emission cuts. The first treaty meant for emissions cut came into place in 1985. The treaty was knowns as the Protocol on the Reduction of Sulfur Emissions. The emission cuts were set at 30 percent by 1993 vis-a-vis the 1980 levels (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 30). Further treaties set the cuts at 80 percent with reference to 1980 levels. Further treaties on emission cuts in the decade beginning in 1990; have led to declines of sulfur dioxide and NOX species at two-thirds and a third, respectively (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 30). The LRTAP Protocol of 1999 introduced the concept of critical loads that led to the development of critical load maps within the European context. Analysis Figure 4: 1.0 Trends in Emission of Acid Rain Source: National Science and Technology Council (18) Figure 5: Trends in the Deposition of Acid Rain Source: Likens (19) Hubbard Brook Experimental Station The United States Department of Agric ulture Forest Service established the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest as a long-term research station on ecological studies. The research site is found in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Research interests in the station were composition and profile of the forest, disturbance reflex and aquatic ecosystems. Hubbard Brook gained prominence across North America as the first to experience acidic deposition. Effects of acid deposition at Hubbard Brook reflect a forest ecosystem sensitive to acid inputs (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 32). Over time, experimental activities and measurements regarding acid deposition and the aftermath on the ecosystem have been the dominant focal at the Hubbard Brook. The lowering of sulfate concentration in rainfall has correlated with the rise in pH. Hubbard Brook has a long term inventory on precipitation chemistry. Over time precipitation records include bulk deposition date back to mid-1960s and wet deposition at the latter years of the 1970s (Dri scoll, Lambert and Chen 32). Conclusion made from the findings showed greater association between pollutant release levels of the precursor and the sulfur based acid deposition at the Hubbard Brook. It is thought that emission cuts at the source area would reflect linearly declines in sulfate deposition. The eastern United States has provided a clear indication of the association between emission of precursor elements and the wet deposition. Over time in the period between 1984 -1986 to 2002-2004 high sulfate depositions has declined significantly in the eastern United States (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 33). The scenario of acid deposition reduction experience reflects the emission cuts targets entrenched in the 1990 CAAA. Levels of nitrate or ammonium deposition have varied marginally at the forest station since 1963. Bulk deposition at down wind areas at Hubbard Brook has shown a direct association with the source area’s nitrogen oxide emission (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 3 4). Nevertheless, the association is feeble compared to sulfate. Inventories of nitrate emissions and the bulk deposition at the Hubbard Brook have had minimal change since experiments began in 1963. The results of measurement generated at the Hubbard brook have reflected results obtained elsewhere in the eastern United States (Driscoll, Lambert and Chen 34). Figure 6: Distribution Pattern for Sulfur Dioxide Emissions (in 1996) Source: The Adirondack Council (13) Figure 7: Distribution Pattern for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions (in 1996) Source: The Adirondack Council (13) Approaches to Acid Rain Abatement The Act on Clean Air gave the preference to market approaches towards sulfur dioxide emission cuts. Industrial plants were supposed to adopt and obtain allowances from the emission cuts programs. The market approach provides plants experiencing high emission scales opportunity to purchase sulfur dioxide credits from their counterparts whose emission costs are marginally lower. This ap proach has cost savings implications. In contrast, use of the command-control approach proposed through environmental regulations may not amount to the same. Moreover, there are econometric functions within the market approach intended to measure the performance of sulfur dioxide allowance. Assessing the level of cost (whether rising or falling) provides the indicator on performance emission cuts. On these bases, those plants that volunteer to use low-sulfur coal as an emissions-cut strategy, then the overhaul of the technology and decline in prices of sulfur containing coal have demonstrated the reduction in the marginal reduction of costs by more than half since 1985. This forms the main bases for reducing cost other than trading. The strength of allowance approach is the cost savings of up to US$ 800 million annually. The command and control approach relies on public awareness and the establishing of an obligatory flat rate of emissions. While it is imperative to consider the gai ns made by the market approach vis-a-vis the command-control; there is need not to lose sight of the overall necessity is not commercializing the whole affair but sustaining the health of the ambient atmosphere. The doubling of the two approaches to emission cuts may lead more effective results other than taunting of one. Arguably, market approach may be the only acceptable within a particular jurisdictional area. The fact that emissions and depositions drift from the source areas makes the sense that command control approach is more applicable for trans-boundary settlements on emission cuts. Conclusion There are categories provided for atmospheric compounds. Sulfur and nitrogen species are among the four categories. Emissions have led to cyclic atmospheric processes for nitrogen and sulfur pollutants. This has been described in the biogeochemical cycle. The impact cyclic processes have traversed terrains and water masses. This means acid rain has a spatial and temporal perspective to it. Acid rain was first conceived by an English Chemist, but the concept earned popularity after twenty years. This implies that the adverse impacts of acid deposition were not immediately perceivable thus the quality of the ambient environment is relative to placement and time. Acid rain has shown the ability to replicate the problem as well as traverse the space. Nevertheless, this property of the acid rain and its precursors makes it difficult to particulaandr opt for one of the emission cut strategy (market or command-control approaches). This is evident in the failure to reach at an amicable solution towards emission from the mid-eastern of North America source area and downwind in the Far East of the country. Based on the study argument most of the effort present alternative solutions towards reducing the amount of sulfur dioxide emitted to the air rather than absolute zero emissions. The market approach considered as a preferable fails to campaign directly for zero emissio n of precursors but rather lower. Anecdotally, with the increasing establishment of more industrial plants the intensity of release may be low but the number sources increases translate to escalation of emission of precursors. The role of the Hubbard Brook experimental outcomes is a clear indication that acid rain has a biogeochemical cycle. This puts the source and the downwind as important players towards providing solutions towards the acid rain phenomenon. Actually, the drifting of acid deposition indicates that a porous solution towards an environmental problem can lead transferred to a second party. Providing longer smokestacks for releasing smoke implies that the environment at the troposphere is constantly mobile and that the atmosphere is constantly circulating and exchanging matter across the space. In other words, the solutions towards the acid rain may not be transferring the emissions into the outer space but getting robust strategies to avoid the release of precursors at the source points. Solutions to the problem begin with the technologies applied in utilizing raw resources. In addition, industry players should be prepared to embrace technology transfer for the common good. The market approach demonstrates that players in the same industry can participate in distributing and sharing an environmental problem resulting in significant reduction of emissions. In the same vain technologies that prove workable towards lowering emissions can be shared as a way of corporate social responsibility, particularly in mitigating problems arising from emission release. The market approach demonstrates that solutions to most environmental problems are best tackled through integrated approaches than independent players taking individual actions. It is evident that corporate leaders have dominated in the technology front and have the capacity to institute emissions cuts with ease compared to small scale players. Thus, certain calls for emission cuts may not have an equal impact within the same industry. The Adirondack Council 1998, Acid Rain: A Continuing National Tragedy. PDF file. 10 Dec. 2012. Downing, Robert, Ramesh Ramankutty and Jitendra Shah. RAINS-ASIA: An Assessment Model for Acid Deposition in Asia, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1997. Web. Driscoll, Charles, Kathy Lambert and Limin Chen. â€Å"Acidic Deposition: Sources and Ecological Effects.† Acid in the Environment: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects. Ed. G. Visgilio D. Whitelaw. USA: Springer, 2007. 27-58. Web. EIR/LaRouche Youth Movement Economics Team 2006, Retool Auto To Save U.S. Industrial Heartland. PDF file. 10 Dec. 2012. Likens, E. 1994, Human-Accelerated Environmental Change – An Ecologist’s View. PDF file. 10 Dec. 2012. . Lind, Douglas 1981. Umbrella Equities: Use of the Federal Common Law of Nuisance to Catch the Fall of Acid Rain. PDF file. Web. Mair, Andrew, Richardd Florida and Martin Kenney. â€Å"The New Geography of Automobiles Production: Japanese Transplants in North America.† Economic Geography. 64.4 (1988): 352-373. JSTOR. Web. Mehta, Prashant. â€Å"Science behind Acid Rain: Analysis of Its Impacts and Advantages on Life and Heritage Structures.† South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage. 3 (2010): 123-132. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage. Web. National Science and Technology Council 2005, National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Report to Congress: An Intergrated Assessment. PDF file. 10 Dec. 2012. Seinsfield, John and Spyros Pandis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change, USA: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Web. â€Å"The Industrial Heartland of North America† n.d. JPEG file. 10 Dec. 2012 Wang, Wenxing and Tao Wang. â€Å"On The Origin And The Trend Of Acid Precipitation In China.† Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 85 (1995): 2295-2300. Springer. Web.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


THE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES POSED BY SOCIAL MEDIA FOR DESTINATION MARKETING - Research Paper Example This new and renewed focus on the tourism therefore also requires a new and fresh approach for tourism destination marketing as an essential and critical component of the overall process. This has also required the marketers to take a very strategic approach towards the destination marketing and design and develop their strategies in such a manner which can optimize the use of the resource. Social media has recently emerged as one of the key trends in the information technology market wherein connecting people through web has become a new norm. Social media however, also presented an opportunity for marketing by using the social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. This paper will present a review of how the social media can actually have an impact on the destination marketing, what challenges and opportunities it presents and how marketers can actually take advantage of this new and emerging trend in the market. Destination Marketing Destination marketing is a relativel y new and unique concept outlining as to how the destination marketers can actually take a more robust and strategic view of the destination marketing and use it for strategic purposes. This view is considered as in-line with the mainstream marketing which is managed as a strategic business planning tool to achieve the overall business objectives. Destination marketing therefore is also viewed as a market oriented strategic approach to develop the locations in such a manner that they take into consideration the overall interests of the customers while at the same time balancing the requirements and interests of other stakeholder groups in the community also. (Blumberg, 2005) This approach to destination marketing therefore views this as a very conscious and thoughtful process which requires a commitment of time and resources to develop and build the locations in such a manner that they can reflect the overall market sentiments. What is however, different for the destination marketer s is their inability to control the product because of the overall nature of the product they are marketing. This therefore also offers them an insight into how to tap the target market in order to ensure that the location attracts the people who are willing to visit it and spend there. This change or shift from the traditional marketing concepts where more focus is being given on the product, destination marketers will have to face a dual challenge of balancing the act between the product and the target market for the product. The focus on the target market is also based on the assumption that different individuals prefer different locations due to different reasons. In order to tap into the different niches which the differences in the choices of the consumers can offer therefore require an strong focus on the target market and how it behave and react to different changes taking place in the marketing. Since in destination marketing, marketers often do not control the product dire ctly therefore this leaves a little room for them to actually modify or change the product but rather use its existing attributes to attract the target market. As such marketers therefore often tend to create a kind of experience which can develop the customer satisfaction and can generate the repeat customers. This is because of the fact that the destinations offer different and unique experiences and each one have their own strengths and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Fianance enterpreship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Fianance enterpreship - Essay Example The financial manager of the company tries to strike a balance between debt and equity with the aim of maximization of firm value and minimization of cost. It has been seen that the managers are biased in favour of debt owing to the tax benefits associated with debt financing. The interest paid on borrowings is a tax deductible expense. This is the reason the managers prefer debt over equity as it reduces the outflow of the business. However, an excessive reliance on debt is not in the financial interest of the company. An ideal mix of debt and equity is essential. There are various theories on capital structure such as pecking order theory, signalling theory, agency theory, trade-off theory, signalling theory etc. As per the pecking order theory the firm should rely mainly on the internal means of financing like retained earnings. This theory gives credence to retained earnings over the issue of equity. In the event of additional funds requirement the debt mode of funding is preferr ed. The equity issue is used only as a last resort. The main reason for the preference of debt over equity is the lower information costs associated with this mode of funding (Zhao, et al., 2004). The static trade off theory states that the firms try to strike a balance between the benefits associated with interest tax shield and the probability of bankruptcy and failure. The firms with strong cash flows can afford to have high levels of debt as they are assured of fixed future cash flows. But the small sized firms or nascent business firms with limited free cash flows must not use high levels of debt in their capital base. As per the agency theory the managers handle the affairs of the company on the behalf of the company shareholders. This gives rise to agency problems. As the reins of management of the company passes onto the managers and does not remain in the hands of its ‘actual’ owners it gives rise to conflict of interest. It is said that there is a misalignment of the objectives. The managers of the company are accused of investing in risky or unprofitable business ventures instead of passing on the surplus cash flows to the owners (Boodhoo, 2009). On the other hand there is also a view that the shareholders intervene in the smooth functioning of the business which often forces the company to forego lucrative business opportunities. The signalling theory of capital structure suggests that the issue of equity is based on the prevailing market conditions. Suppose the management of the company is of the view that the shares of the company are overpriced then it can resort to the issue of equity. This will help the company in raising higher proceeds from the issue of equity. On the other hand if the managers of the company are of the view that the market has failed to price the shares of the company correctly then it can opt for the debt mode of financing. If the shares of the company are underpriced then it is not feasible to issue equity as this would mean lesser proceeds. It will not just limit the amount of funds raised but will also lead to unnecessary dilution of ownership which is not in the interest of the company from the long term perspective. The financing decisions of a company are influenced by the above theories and views. However the financial managers in a company are biased towards issue of debt owing to the inherent benefits of debt issue. The

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Nature of globalization Essay Example for Free

Nature of globalization Essay Globalization is a term used to explain the new era just like we learn about different periods such as stone age. It entails that people around the world are more connected to one another than ever before in terms of †¢ Information flow through sophisticated means unlike in early ages where messengers and drum beating was used for communication. †¢ Money transfers and goods transportation is quicker and efficient all over the world. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are necessarily available in all parts of the world. †¢ International travel is more convenient and faster than ever. (Martin, 2004) All this changes have been as a result of advance in technology, basically the computer. This is what has enabled globalization. Globalization can be found in five different areas; economic, cultural, political, religious and social systems. Globalization therefore, can be understood as the tendency or the process of businesses, technologies or philosophies to spread throughout the world. Nature of globalization Globalization is something that is very new in the world. For the last 30 years, there was no much discoveries in computer technology although there were computers and they were only used in the developed countries. This is why we cannot say there was globalization since globalization simply means making the world a â€Å"global village† in that every information and services are available and accessible to all the people around the globe just as it is in a small village. The idea of globalization has made it possible to harmonize the cultures of people all over the world. That is because people are able to carry out businesses across boundaries without traveling, using different currencies, making instant payment and in developed countries they use a common currency for example the Euro that is used all over Europe and the US dollar that is used by many countries. It is possible therefore, that the whole world will in future be using one common currency. This is what is referred to as economic globalization. According to Sachs (2005) technology in information has made transfer of information and especially educational information to be available across the globe. This is what has brought the idea of e-learning through the Internet. The changes in culture of the people is being felt especially in the African societies which had very stronghold in their traditions but today this has little or no influence on peoples ways of life especially in the young generation, for example changes in sexual inequality. This is as a result of globalization, people copy the lifestyles or cultures of others from the developed countries due to interaction, travels and high speed information transfer. For this same reason people are able to change their religious believes because the gospel has taken a new line, i. e. it is global reaching every corner of the globe. Conclusion When we talk of globalization we definitely have to think about the major participants in this idea. The United States dominates in this global traffic in information and ideas. (www. globalpolicy. org) The American music, movies, television and software’s are so dominant , so sought after by everybody and so visible that they are now available in every corner of the earth, including the developing countries in sub-Sahara Africa. References Raskin. P. T(2002), The Great Transition Boston Tellus Institute p31-42. Alex MacGillirray (2006) A Brief History of Globalization. New York. p122-127. Sachs,T. (2005), The end Poverty New York p 13-23 Martin, W. (2004), why globalization works, New York: Yale University Press, pg 210-235 Global policies, Available from, www. globalpolicy. org (Retrieved December 14, 2007) What is globalization, Available from, www. globalisation101. org (Retrieved December 14, 2007)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton :: American History

Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton: Who was more important in American history?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two very important figures in American history but Jefferson was the more influential and profound one of the two rivals. Jefferson was the principal author of the most important document in US history, the Declaration of Independence. He doubled the size of the young nation with the purchase of Louisiana during his presidency. During his lifetime, Jefferson also made many achievements and contributions, based on his strong beliefs, towards the growth and protection of the United States. Of all his accomplishments, the Declaration of Independence was his most defining event for it asserted the USA's independence from Britain and defended revolting against the government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of all the Founding Fathers, Jefferson had the strongest belief in liberty of the people for he thought that all people were entitled to liberty and laws that do not protect it are illegitimate. He took his unique view on liberty and the rights of the people and converted much of it onto paper which was eventually made into the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson defended his role in the creation of the defining document of the United States very proudly but this would not be his last great achievement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Thomas Jefferson's finest accomplishments while he was president was the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This acquisition of land doubled the nation's size and helped fulfil the demands for western expansion, also making the US closer to completing their Manifest Destiny. Jefferson then financed the Lewis and Clark expedition which in turn gave Americans first knowledge of this vast land of rich resources. Jefferson's influence in shaping the country did not stop there for he made several other admirable deeds in his lifetime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jefferson left a permanent legacy in American history through all his books, inventions, philosophies, and political achievments. With his and James Madison's efforts, Virginia became the first state to completely separate church from state and drafted the Virginia statute for religious freedom. Jefferson's vision of a republican society was planted in Virginia through it's political, educational, and legal systems which would eventually be a model to America and Europe. Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton :: American History Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton: Who was more important in American history?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two very important figures in American history but Jefferson was the more influential and profound one of the two rivals. Jefferson was the principal author of the most important document in US history, the Declaration of Independence. He doubled the size of the young nation with the purchase of Louisiana during his presidency. During his lifetime, Jefferson also made many achievements and contributions, based on his strong beliefs, towards the growth and protection of the United States. Of all his accomplishments, the Declaration of Independence was his most defining event for it asserted the USA's independence from Britain and defended revolting against the government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of all the Founding Fathers, Jefferson had the strongest belief in liberty of the people for he thought that all people were entitled to liberty and laws that do not protect it are illegitimate. He took his unique view on liberty and the rights of the people and converted much of it onto paper which was eventually made into the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson defended his role in the creation of the defining document of the United States very proudly but this would not be his last great achievement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Thomas Jefferson's finest accomplishments while he was president was the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This acquisition of land doubled the nation's size and helped fulfil the demands for western expansion, also making the US closer to completing their Manifest Destiny. Jefferson then financed the Lewis and Clark expedition which in turn gave Americans first knowledge of this vast land of rich resources. Jefferson's influence in shaping the country did not stop there for he made several other admirable deeds in his lifetime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jefferson left a permanent legacy in American history through all his books, inventions, philosophies, and political achievments. With his and James Madison's efforts, Virginia became the first state to completely separate church from state and drafted the Virginia statute for religious freedom. Jefferson's vision of a republican society was planted in Virginia through it's political, educational, and legal systems which would eventually be a model to America and Europe.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A Literary Analysis to Shitty First Drafts Essay

Writing does not always come out naturally for neither inexperience nor experience writers. In shitty first drafts, the talented author, Anne Lamott changes the misconception that writing comes out naturally for a professional writer. Lamontt also address the common problems that all writers encounter when writing while providing the reader with advice to get past their problems when writing. Lamott states â€Å"The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time for writers.† People have this unreasonable perspective that experienced writers do not have any problems when it comes to writing or that experienced writers can just sit down and write a perfect draft. However, experienced writers do go through the common motion, such as not knowing where to start or where to write more than one rough draft. Even though, experienced writers go through the common motion listed above, they do not allow those common motions to defeat them, besides that is what makes them professional writers. A child like draft is a rough draft which the writer can just write freely and write about anything that comes to mind. Lamott states â€Å" The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and let it romp all over the place, Knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later.† A child like draft consists of fragment sentences, run on, misspelling, and many other in corrections. A writer should never be ashamed of their child like draft because it helps create new ideas. If the writer does not have a clue on how to start their writing, it helps the writer see what fits the topic and what does not and prepares the writer for the final draft. Internal and external distractions are common problems that writer experience when writing; these distractions can come in many form such as a cell phone, T.V, useless thoughts, and even people. Distractions whether internal or external prevent someone from focusing on their preparation for writing their assignment. To avoid being overwhelmed by distractions whether internal or external someone must disregard the things that are not beneficial to their writing, even if it means finding a secluded place to write. Furthermore, writers must keep in mind that there are going to be temporary problems in their writing process and that these problems can be conquered. Writer should never allow these problems to put their writing on a halt, but if these problems do then writer should implement the advice that is found in shitty first drafts.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Horatius at the Bridge by Thomas Babington Macaulay

An esteemed army officer in the ancient Roman Republic, Horatius Cocles lived in a legendary period of Rome during the late sixth century.  Horatius was known for defending one of Romes most famous bridges, the Pons Sublicius, during the war between Rome and Clusium.  The heroic leader was known for fighting against Etruscan invaders such as Lars Porsena and his invading army.  Horatius was known as a courageous and brave leader of the Roman army. Thomas Babington McAulay The poet  Thomas Babington McAulay  is also known as a politician, essayist, and  historian.  Born in England in 1800, he wrote one of his first poems at the age of eight called The Battle of Cheviot. Macaulay went on to college where he began to have his essays published prior to a career in politics.  He was best known for his work in History of England covering the period 1688–1702. Macaulay died in 1859 in London. Summary The story of Horatius is described in Plutarchs Life of Publicola. In the early 6th century BCE, Lars Porsena was the most powerful king in Etruscan Italy, who Tarquinius Superbus asked to help him take back Rome. Porsena sent a message to Rome saying they should receive Tarquin as their king, and when the Romans refused, he declared war on them. Publicola was the consul of Rome, and he and Lucretius defended Rome until they fell in battle. Horatius Cocles (Cyclops, so named because he had lost one of his eyes in the wars) was the keeper of the Gate of Rome. He stood in front of the bridge and held off the Etruscans until the Romans could put the bridge out of commission. Once that was accomplished, Horatius, wounded by a spear to his buttocks and in full armor, dove into the water and swam back to Rome.   Horatius was forced to retire as a result of his injuries and, after a protracted siege of the city, Lars Porsena captured Rome, but without sacking it. Tarquinius Superbus was to be the last of the kings of Rome. Macaulay's Horatius at the Bridge The following poem by Thomas Babington Macaulay is a memorable ballad that recounts the courage of Horatius Cocles in his battle with the Roman army against the Etruscans. Lars Porsena  of Clusium, by the Nine Gods he sworeThat the great house of  Tarquin  should suffer wrong no more.By the Nine Gods he swore it, and named a trysting day,And bade his messengers ride forth,East and West and South and North,To summon his array.East and West and South and North the messengers ride fast,And tower and town and cottage have heard the trumpets blast.Shame on the false  Etruscan  who lingers in his home,When Porsena of Clusium is on the march for  Rome! The horsemen and the footmen are pouring in amainFrom many a stately market-place, from many a fruitful plain;From many a lonely hamlet which, hid by beech and pineLike an eagles nest hangs on the crest of purple Apennine;From lordly Volaterrae, where scowls the far-famed holdPiled by the hands of giants for god-like kings of old;From sea-girt  Populonia, whose sentinels descrySardinias snowy mountain-tops fringing the southern sky;From the proud mart of Pisae, queen of the western waves,Where ride Massilias triremes, heavy with fair-haired slaves;From where sweet Clanis wanders through corn and vines and flowers;From where Cortona lifts to heaven her diadem of towers.Tall are the oaks whose acorns drop in dark Ausers rill;Fat are the stags that champ the boughs of the Ciminian hill;Beyond all streams Clitumnus is to the herdsman dear;Best of all pools the fowler loves the great Volsinian mere. But now no stroke of woodman is heard by Ausers rill;No hunter tracks the stags green path up the Ciminian hill;Unwatched along Clitumnus grazes the milk-white steer;Unharmed the water fowl may dip in the Volsinian mere.The harvests of Arretium, this year, old men shall reap;This year, young boys in Umbro shall plunge the struggling sheep;And in the vats of Luna, this year, the must shall foamRound the white feet of laughing girls whose sires have marched to Rome.   There be thirty chosen prophets, the wisest of the land,Who always by Lars Porsena both morn and evening stand:Evening and morn the Thirty have turned the verses oer,Traced from the right on linen white by mighty seers of yore;And with one voice the Thirty have their glad answer given:Go forth, go forth, Lars Porsena! Go forth, beloved of Heaven!Go, and return in glory to Clusiums round dome,And hang round Nurscias altars the golden shields of Rome.And now hath every city sent up her tale of men;The foot are fourscore thousand; the horse are thousands ten.Before the gates of Sutrium is met the great array.A proud man was Lars Porsena upon the trysting day.For all the Tuscan armies were ranged beneath his eye,And many a banished  Roman, and many a stout ally;And with a mighty following to join the muster cameThe Tusculan Mamilius, Prince of the Latian name.But by the yellow Tiber was tumult and affright:From all the spacious champaign to Rome men took their flight.A mile around the city the throng stopped up the ways:A fearful sight it was to see through two long nights and daysFor aged folks on crutches, and women great with child,And mothers sobbing over babes that clung to them and smiled. And sick men borne in litters high on the necks of slaves,And troops of sun-burned husbandmen with reaping-hooks and staves,And droves of mules and asses laden with skins of wine,And endless flocks of goats and sheep, and endless herds of kine,And endless trains of wagons that creaked beneath the weightOf corn-sacks and of household goods choked every roaring gate.Now, from the  rock Tarpeian, could the wan burghers spyThe line of blazing villages red in the midnight sky.The Fathers of the City, they sat all night and day,For every hour some horseman came with tidings of dismay.To eastward and to westward have spread the Tuscan bands;Nor house, nor fence, nor dovecote in Crustumerium stands.Verbenna down to Ostia hath wasted all the plain;Astur hath stormed Janiculum, and the stout guards are slain. I wis, in all the Senate, there was no heart so bold,But sore it ached, and fast it beat, when that ill news was told.Forthwith up rose the Consul, up rose the Fathers all;In haste they girded up their gowns and hied them to the wall.They held a council standing before the River-Gate;Short time was there, ye well may guess, for musing or debate.Out spake the Consul roundly: The bridge must straight go down;For since Janiculum is lost, naught else can save the town...Just then, a scout came flying, all wild with haste and fear:To arms! To arms, Sir Consul! Lars Porsena is here!On the low hills to westward the Consul fixed his eye,And saw the swarthy storm of dust rise fast along the sky,And nearer fast and nearer doth the red whirlwind come;And louder still and still more loud, from underneath that whirling cloud,Is heard the trumpets war-note proud, the trampling and the hum.And plainly and more plainly now through the gloom appears,Far to left and far to right, in broken gleams of d ark-blue light,The long array of helmets bright, the long array of>And plainly and more plainly, above that glimmering line,Now might ye see the banners of twelve fair cities shine;But the banner of proud Clusium was highest of them all,The terror of the  Umbrian; the terror of the Gaul.And plainly and more plainly now might the burghers know,By port and vest, by horse and crest, each warlike Lucumo.There Cilnius of Arretium on his fleet roan was seen;And Astur of the four-fold shield, girt with the brand none else may wield,Tolumnius with the belt of gold, and dark Verbenna from the holdBy reedy Thrasymene.Fast by the royal standard, oerlooking all the war,Lars Porsena of Clusium sat in his ivory car.By the right wheel rode  Mamilius, prince of the Latian name,And by the left false Sextus, who wrought the deed of shame.But when the face of Sextus was seen among the foes,A yell that rent the firmament from all the town arose.On the house-tops was no woman but spat tow ard him and hissed,No child but screamed out curses, and shook its little first.   But the Consuls brow was sad, and the Consuls speech was low,And darkly looked he at the wall, and darkly at the foe.Their van will be upon us before the bridge goes down;And if they once might win the bridge, what hope to save the town?Then out spoke brave  Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late;And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,And for the tender mother who dandled him to rest,And for the wife who nurses his baby at her breast,And for the holy maidens who feed the eternal flame,To save them from false Sextus, that wrought the deed of shame?Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, with all the speed ye may!I, with two more to help me, will hold the foe in play.In yon strait path, a thousand may well be stopped by three:Now, who will stand on either hand and keep the bridge with me?Then out spake Spurius Lartius; a Ramnian proud was he:Lo, I will stand at thy right hand and keep the bridge with thee.And out spake strong Herminius; of Titian blood was he:I will abide on thy left side, and keep the bridge with thee.Horatius, quoth the Consul, as thou sayest, so let it be.And straight against that great array forth went the dauntless>For Romans in Romes quarrel spared neither land nor gold,Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life, in the brave days of old.Then none was for a party; then all were for the state;Then the great man helped the poor, and the poor man loved the great.Then lands were fairly portioned; then spoils were fairly sold:The Romans were like brothers in the brave days of old.Now Roman is to Roman more hateful than a foe,And the Tribunes beard the high, and the Fathers grind the low.As we wax hot in faction, in battle we wax cold:Wherefore men fight not as they fought in the brave days of old.Now while the Three were tightening their harness on their backs,The Consul was the foremost man to take in hand an axe:And Fathers m ixed with Commons seized hatchet, bar and crow,And smote upon the planks above and loosed the props below.Meanwhile the Tuscan army, right glorious to behold,Came flashing back the noonday light,Rank behind rank, like surges bright of a broad sea of gold.Four hundred trumpets sounded a peal of warlike glee,As that great host, with measured tread, and spears advanced, and ensigns spread,Rolled slowly towards the bridges head where stood the dauntless>The Three stood calm and silent, and looked upon the foes,And a great shout of laughter from all the vanguard rose:And forth three chiefs came spurring before that deep array;To earth they sprang, their swords they drew, and lifted high their shields, and flewTo win the narrow way;Aunus from green Tifernum, Lord of the Hill of Vines;And Seius, whose eight hundred slaves sicken in Ilvas mines;And Picus, long to Clusium vassal in peace and war,Who led to fight his Umbrian powers from that grey crag where, girt with towers,The for tress of Naquinum lowers oer the pale waves of Nar.Stout Lartius hurled down Aunus into the stream beneath:Herminius struck at Seius, and clove him to the teeth:At Picus brave Horatius darted one fiery thrust;And the proud Umbrians golden arms clashed in the bloody dust.Then Ocnus of Falerii rushed on the Roman Three;And Lausulus of Urgo, the rover of the sea,And Aruns of Volsinium, who slew the great wild boar,The great wild boar that had his den amidst the reeds of Cosas fen,And wasted fields, and slaughtered men, along Albinias>Herminius smote down Aruns; Lartius laid Ocnus low:Right to the heart of Lausulus Horatius sent a blow.Lie there, he cried, fell pirate! No more, aghast and pale,From Ostias walls the crowd shall mark the track of thy destroying bark.No more Campanias hinds shall fly to woods and caverns when they spyThy thrice-accursed sail.But now no sound of laughter was heard among the foes.A wild and wrathful clamour from all the vanguard rose.Six spears len gths from the entrance halted that deep array,And for a space no man came forth to win the narrow way.But hark! the cry is Astur, and lo! the ranks divide;And the great Lord of Luna comes with his stately stride.Upon his ample shoulders clangs loud the four-fold shield,And in his hand he shakes the brand which none but he can wield.He smiled on those bold Romans a smile serene and high;He eyed the flinching Tuscans, and scorn was in his eye.Quoth he, The she-wolfs litter stand savagely at bay:But will ye dare to follow, if Astur clears the way?Then, whirling up his broadsword with both hands to the height,He rushed against Horatius and smote with all his>With shield and blade Horatius right deftly turned the blow.The blow, yet turned, came yet too nigh;It missed his helm, but gashed his thigh:The Tuscans raised a joyful cry to see the red blood flow.He reeled, and on Herminius he leaned one breathing-space;Then, like a wild-cat mad with wounds, sprang right at Asturs face. Through teeth, and skull, and helmet so fierce a thrust he sped,The good sword stood a hand-breadth out behind the Tuscans head.And the great Lord of Luna fell at that deadly stroke,As falls on Mount Alvernus a thunder-smited oak.Far oer the crashing forest the giant arms lay spread;And the pale augurs, muttering low, gaze on the blasted head.On Asturs throat Horatius right firmly pressed his heel,And thrice and four times tugged amain, ere he wrenched out the steel.And see, he cried, the welcome, fair guests, that waits you here!What noble Lucumo comes next to taste our Roman cheer?But at his haughty challenge a sullen murmur ran,Mingled of wrath, and shame, and dread, along that glittering>There lacked not men of prowess, nor men of lordly race;For all Etrurias noblest were round the fatal place.But all  Etrurias noblest felt their hearts sink to seeOn the earth the bloody corpses; in their path the dauntless Three;And, from the ghastly entrance where those bold Romans s tood,All shrank, like boys who unaware, ranging the woods to start a hare,Come to the mouth of a dark lair where, growling low, a fierce old bearLies amidst bones and blood.Was none who would be foremost to lead such dire attack?But those behind cried Forward!, and those before cried Back!And backward now and forward wavers the deep array;And on the tossing sea of steel, to and fro the standards reel;And the victorious trumpet-peal dies fitfully away.Yet one man for one moment strode out before the crowd;Well known was he to all the Three, and they gave him greeting loud.Now welcome, welcome, Sextus! Now welcome to thy home!Why dost thou stay, and turn away? Here lies the  road to Rome.Thrice looked he at the city; thrice looked he at the dead;And thrice came on in fury, and thrice turned back in dread:And, white with fear and hatred, scowled at the narrow wayWhere, wallowing in a pool of blood, the bravest Tuscans>But meanwhile axe and lever have manfully been plied;And n ow the bridge hangs tottering above the boiling tide.Come back, come back, Horatius! loud cried the Fathers all.Back, Lartius! Back, Herminius! Back, ere the ruin fall!Back darted Spurius Lartius;  Herminius  darted back:And as they passed, beneath their feet they felt the timbers crack.But when they turned their faces, and on the further shoreSaw brave Horatius stand alone, they would have crossed once more.But with a crash like thunder fell every loosened beam,And, like a dam, the mighty wreck lay right athwart the stream:And a loud shout of triumph rose from the walls of Rome,As to the highest turret-tops was splashed the yellow foam.And, like a horse unbroken, when first he feels the rein,The furious river struggled hard, and tossed his tawny mane,And burst the curb, and bounded, rejoicing to be free,And whirling down, in fierce career, battlement, and plank, and pierRushed headlong to the sea.Alone stood brave Horatius, but constant still in mind;Thrice thirty thousand foes before, and the broad flood>Down with him! cried false Sextus, with a smile on his pale face.Now yield thee, cried Lars Porsena, now yield thee to our grace!Round turned he, as not deigning those craven ranks to see;Nought spake he to Lars Porsena, to Sextus nought spake he;But he saw on Palatinus the white porch of his home;And he spake to the noble river that rolls by the towers of Rome.Oh Tiber, father Tiber, to whom the Romans pray,A Romans life, a Romans arms, take thou in charge this day!So he spake and, speaking, sheathed the good sword by his side,And, with his harness on his back, plunged headlong in the tide.No sound of joy or sorrow was heard from either bank;But friends and foes in dumb surprise, with parted lips and straining eyes,Stood gazing where he sank;And when above the surges they saw his crest appear,All Rome sent forth a rapturous cry, and even the ranks of TuscanyCould scarce forbear to cheer.But fiercely ran the current, swollen high by months of rain:And fast his blood was flowing; and he was sore in pain,And heavy with his armour, and spent with changing blows:And oft they thought him sinking, but still again he>Never, I ween, did swimmer, in such an evil case,Struggle through such a raging flood safe to the landing place:But his limbs were borne up bravely by the brave heart within,And our good father  Tiber  bare bravely up his chin Curse on him! quoth false Sextus, will not the villain drown?But for this stay, ere close of day, we would have sacked the town!Heaven help him! quoth Lars Porsena, and bring him safe to shore;For such a gallant feat of arms was never seen before.And now he feels the bottom: now on dry earth he stands;Now round him throng the Fathers, to press his gory hands;And now, with shouts and clapping, and noise of weeping loud,He enters through the River-Gate, borne by the joyous crowd.They gave him of the corn-land, that was of public right,As much as two strong oxen could plough from morn till night;And they made a molten image, and set it up on high,And there it stands unto this day to witness if I lie.It stands in the Comitium, plain for all folk to see;Horatius in his harness, halting upon one knee:And underneath is written, in letters all of gold,How valiantly he kept the bridge in the brave days of old.And still his name sounds stirring unto the men of Rome,As the trumpet-blast that ca lls to them to charge the Volscian home;And wives still pray to Juno for boys with hearts as boldAs his who kept the bridge so well in the brave days of>And in the nights of winter, when the cold north winds blow,And the long howling of the wolves is heard amidst the snow;When round the lonely cottage roars loud the tempests din,And the good logs of Algidus roar louder yet within;When the oldest cask is opened, and the largest lamp is lit;When the chestnuts glow in the embers, and the kid turns on the spit;When young and old in circle around the firebrands close;When the girls are weaving baskets and the lads are shaping bowsWhen the goodman mends his armour, and trims his helmets plume,And the goodwifes shuttle merrily goes flashing through the loom;With weeping and with laughter still is the story told,How well Horatius kept the bridge in the brave days of old.