Saturday, December 28, 2019

Performance Based Compensation System - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2989 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Performance Based Compensation System: The corporate world has changed over the last decade. Lots of industries have been set up and lives of the workers have changed phenomenally over the years. The jobs have changed and the compensation structures have changed drastically. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Performance Based Compensation System" essay for you Create order There has been great competition among the private sector companies has grown tremendously. In this era of great rivalries, the biggest asset or the defining factor for success in any organization are the employees and the skill-sets they have acquired. The companies around the world have struggled to retain their star performers. The modern day companies also keep an eye on the star performers of their rival companies and try their best to win them over by offering lucrative salaries. The modern day companies have seen the value of individual performances in the corporate world. The modern day companies rely heavily on individual performances and there have been many instances that a single individual has changed the fortunes of the company. In today’s corporate world retaining star talent is very important and the performance of company has been directly proportional to the attrition rate of the company. The companies put extra effort in identifying key performers and ensuri ng their loyalty. In the bid to retain key performers it is very important to compensate the employees aptly. Money is one of the most important factors in motivation of employees. Companies now dole out incentives and pay packages have increased consistently over the years. It is contrary to what the pay structure was earlier. Earlier pay structure was fixed and pay was based on seniority. But nowadays no company can afford that approach in the compensation structure. The modern companies have welcomed performance based payment structure with open arms and more and more companies are shifting towards performance based compensation structure. Now the compensation structure is dynamic and salaries have lots of components. There are many performance base components like bonuses and incentives. There are many non-monetary components as well. The different types of performance based compensation are commission and piecework. Earlier, compensation was fixed and was determined by governme nt regulation and several other factors. But rising inflation has made it difficult for people across the world. They are ready to work harder in order to earn extra bucks. The company also faces a dilemma of planning the compensation structure aptly so that it does not have an adverse effect on the finances of the company. Thus planning the compensation structure is very important so that it is a profitable situation for both company and employees. It is a double edged sword for the HR department and the onus is on HR managers to frame a good compensation policy for the company. They also have to take care of the fact that all the employees are treated equally. The HR can do this in following ways: Analysing the Jobs: This includes analysing all the jobs of the company and clearly defining the tasks. The employee should be clearly told about his responsibilities and what is expected of him. Job Evaluation: This includes comparison with the rivals and analysing where the company is lacking in this department. Job Pricing: This task deals with the change in rates and planning appropriate compensation for the job. Some advantages of having a performance based compensation plan are: The biggest advantage is motivating and retaining key talents. It helps in motivating employees and keeping them interested in their work. Retaining star performers is one of the key areas of concern for any organization. There is cut-throat competition and talented employees don’t hesitate to leave the organization for greener pastures. Thus it becomes very important to retain star performers by motivating them regularly by incentives, awards and recognition. The HR department should take care of key employees by encouraging employees and solving their concerns. Positive competition amongst employees is encouraged by this system. Every employee wants to earn more rewards and recognition. Thus they strive to work harder. The company benefits as employee’s personal benefit is aligned with company’s profit. Performance based compensation system also helps in increasing the knowledge base of the employees. The employees strive to perform well and to excel in their work; they need to increase their knowledge base. Thus it motivates employees to work hard and learn new stuffs. For example, in an IT company it motivates the employees to learn new cutting edge technologies. In IT sector the technology keeps changing. Thus the employee needs to keep learning continuously. If they are rewarded for this hard work, it keeps them motivated. It increases the speed and efficiency of operations. The employees are able to complete their work with greater speed because they are motivated and strive to excel. This helps in improving the reputation of the firm and gets more clients. However, there are some disadvantages as well. The performance based compensation system backfires sometimes if not implemented properly. Some of the disadvantages are as follows: It discourages teamwork. Individuals get so obsessed about their personal performance that they ignore working in teams which is very important for success of any organization. The performance based compensation system makes the employees selfish and they forget that cooperation among the team is necessary to complete the task successfully. Most of the organizations require team work and collaboration from their employees. However performance based compensation system leads to mistrust and lack of coordination. It can reduce competitive advantage and effectiveness of the organization. It can also lead to drop in quality. The performance based compensation system makes employees obsessed with financial rewards which may lead to overlooking of quality and the processes. This is an area of concern especially in the product based companies where the quality of product is very important factor in the success of the organization. Performance also includes speed of completing the task. Sometimes, in order to earn incentives, employees tend to complete the work too quickly overlooking the quality in the process. This proves to be a major disadvantage for the organization as this leads to loss of name and business. It may promote inequality between employees. Older employees can’t match up to the speed of younger employees; however their quality of work may be better because of their experience. It may lead to favoritism and sycophancy. The performance of the employees is generally analyzed and rated by the seniors. Sometimes, this leads to office politics and favoritism and employees are evaluated on the basis of things other than their performance. This leads to a very counter-productive environment in the office as undeserving people are rewarded. The deserving employees feel left out and have no option but to leave the organization. Sometimes employee works very hard and expects rewards, which for any reason he may not get. This leads to a drop in performance in the next quarters and he is demotivated. There are numerous merits as well as demerits of the system and the HR team has a daunting task when they go about planning the compensation strategy. The strategy cannot be implemented overnight. The compensation structure has to be planned according to the organization. It has to be customised according to the needs of organization. The working conditions in different sectors are different as chalk and cheese. What works in one organization may not be of much use in other. What works in manufacturing may not work in IT sector and vice versa. The compensation strategy has to be planned accordingly and implemented with a little caution. It is the need of the hour but companies should take care that it does not lead to mistrust amongst employees. Compensation Strategy: The organizations around the world have realised the importance of performance based compensation system. They have realised that they have to shift to this method to survive in today’s corporate world. However a major change like this cannot be brought about in one day and lots of planning needs to be put into this. The strategy should be in line with the overall goal of the company which is maximising wealth. There are few factors which should be kept in mind before bringing about a change in the compensation structure are: It should add to the capital resources of the organization. It should help in long term appreciation of the capital value of money. Also the cost of the strategy is a critical factor. The cost to the organization should be low. It is not possible to invest an exorbitant amount in a strategy for any organization. It is regarded that the money is an important source of motivation. But money can motivate only till the next incentive is due. Thus the strategy should also consider other strategies apart from incentives which can keep the employees content and loyal. Implementation of value based company management system. A system should be planned and it should be clear in terms of implementation. The objectives of the strategy should be easily understandable. The objectives and goals should be clear and defined and should be achievable. Thus the compensation strategy needs to be planned with lots of care and several factors need to be considered. The employees need to be taken into confidence before bringing about the changes. Some of the important factors that are needed to be considered which are as follows: 1. Linking compensation and total business strategy: Most organizations have clearly defined goals and they know how to achieve that goal. Compensation is a tool to help to make employees move in same direction and relate to organizational policies. For example, there will be a difference between the strategies of a young, new aspiring company and an established organization. The former will award employees who will bring in new clients and expand business whereas the latter will reward quality performance. It will not think about adding small clients. Some other company may identify world-class customer service providing as its top strategic objective. It would need to reward the activities (inalla reas of the organization, not just the customer service department) that lead to outstanding customer service. The company which relies on innovation will award an employee who innovates something new. In short, the bonuses will differ from one organization to other and the parameters to measure performance will differ as well. Compensation sets the direction for the employees. In the absence of proper policy the employees don’t have a direction. Compensation strategy identifies your top strategic objectives, defining what they mean in terms of organizational behaviour and designs your compensation plan in a way that rewards and recognizes those behaviours. 2. Changing the culture and reinforcing it with compensation and rewards: A good compensation strategy alone doesn’t guarantee turn around in the fortunes. In order to achieve permanent change in behaviour, the culture and the environment should be changed as well. Then compensation should be used to reinfo rce those changes. Only dangling money in front of people, doesn’t change their behaviour for a long time. It may lead to small change but people soon go back to their old ways. One doesn’t get sustained productivity improvements unless there is a change in the culture. That involves identifying and analysing the results you want to achieve as a company, identifying the tasks and behaviours that lead to those desired results, and then designing a compensation plan to reinforce, reinstate and reward those behaviours so that they become permanently instilled in the organization. It is very important to walk the talk. Just defining organizational culture on paper and not practicing it at the top level won’t do any good. If an organization says that it values quality but rewards speedier work with lesser quality; then it is sending a wrong message to the employees. Compensation sends powerful messages to your employees about who you are as an organization; helps in building your image. It describes what you value and lays down skills and results you reward. 3. Defining the compensation policy: To implement a new policy, it is very important to define the policy clearly. It should contain clear, focused compensation policy which needs to answer some fundamental questions like: What do we want to pay for? How to pay for different jobs? How does it affect our competitive posture? How will we split the pie amongst our employees? The compensation statement should clearly specify the result the organization wants to accomplish, and the expected behaviours required to achieve those results. It should identify what exactly should the organization pay for, and how do we want to position our organization in the marketplace. The pay policy should be designed by the top management keeping in mind the views from all stake-holders. It should reflect the values of owner/CEO. It should reflect the realities of economy. It should take into consideration the realities of pricing structure and market share. It should lay a foundation for the consistent hiring and promotions. It should be competitive with the market. 4. Thinktotalcompensation: In todays fiercely competitive labour markets, compensation provides a powerful tool for attracting and retaining quality people. There are many components of the salary which gets unnoticed by the individuals. There are many components of the salary which are as follows: profit sharing housing rent allowance retirement and pension plans benefits shares or equity incentives and bonuses recognition and rewards holiday and personal time off Opportunity income (education reimbursement, professional development programmes, etc.). If you dont think, talk, market and sell total compensation, youre leaving a lot of money on the table. Talk about compensation frequently and impress upon employees that it includes a lot more than base pay. When declaring compensation for potential employees, always use total compensation, because base pay never tells the whole story and there are more factors. There are many things which are added on to the base pay. It is recommended providing employees with an annual total compensation statement which lists the complete package of rewards and recognition they receive for working in your organization. A total compensation statement comes as a positive surprise for the employees because the bottom-line number always exceeds what they normally think of as their compensation. An organization cant afford to lose employees who might get lured away by promises of a bigger base pay by other companies. An organization has to make sure that all your people understand and appreciat e the full range of compensation and benefits they enjoy in your company. An organization has to ensure that all employees appreciate all the components of the salary. It also helps when other employers try to lure your employees. They are aware about different components and ask right questions from the prospective employers. 5. Measure your return on invested payroll: It is important to measure the return on investment and analyse the results. Most companies dont even try to measure their return on compensation, leave alone determine whether it is a good one or not. To measure the return on investment, one should look at: productivity, bottom-line results, employee turnover, and ability to recruit and retain key people, morale, customer service or any number of measures. Organization should analyse the return on investment and invest in right employees. It is important to invest in right employees and ensure return on investment. It is the imperative of human resource man ager to ensure that right employees are awarded and retained. Implementation: Implementation of the plan is important factor and it needs to be taken care of. All the stakeholders are supposed to be consulted before deploying the new plan. Employee feedback should be taken into consideration before the plan is implemented. It is important to implement the plan in phases and take feedback. Feedback plays an important role in analysing the benefits and shortcomings of the plan. The top management should walk the talk and always stick to the policy. The policy change cannot be implemented in a day. It has to be brought about slowly. It is very important that the employees don’t feel left out. Various stakeholders should be taken in confidence before bringing about the change. The employees should be made aware through workshops and the policy should be clear in everyone’s mind. Otherwise, it can lead to a bad taste in employees. Also, the policy should be tailor-made according to the organization. As discussed earlier, the policy or plan which wor ks for one organization might be unsuitable for other company. After the policy has been implemented it is necessary to review the plan in quick intervals. The human resource team should get in touch with all the employees so that they get to know about their feedback. The policy should be able to retain the star performers. It is also important that a sudden implementation doesn’t affect the employees in an adverse way. It should not lead to useless cut throat competition and favouritism. It may happen that in greed of incentives, people forget the virtue of teamwork and collaboration. If it happens, the whole plan will misfire. So implementation should be such that these problems don’t occur. The policy should be goal oriented and the policy should value all star performers. Short Note: The time has arrived that we move from conventional compensation system to performance based compensation system. This is the need of the hour. The market has been witnessing a never before revolution and there is a huge demand for human capital. Thus, it becomes very important to take measures to retain our key performers. However, we should be cautious in implementing the plan. If we don’t plan it out properly it can misfire and demotivate the employees. However, if implemented properly it can benefit the organization a lot and motivate the employees. It can lead to great improvement in performance of the organization. Our attrition rates will decrease and a motivated workforce will collectively move towards achieving the goals of the organization.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Cultural Influences on Identity Development

The question we are answering is, how does culture influence identity development? By the end of this paper you would be able to conclude that no matter what the surroundings of an individual is it will have some sort of an effect on either the physical or mental aspects of an individual. In order to answer this question we must understand how identity is developed, what culture consists of and concluding how culture influences identity development. First and Foremost in order to know what motivates identity development we must understand how identity is developed. Identity development starts with infants discovering of self which continues throughout childhood and become the focus of adolescence. According to Erik Erikson the goal of†¦show more content†¦During childhood, self – awareness continues both growing and changing. Children at young Ages describe themselves in terms of observable characteristics and behaviours, including physical attributes. Between ages six and twelve, children begin to include less concrete aspects of the self in their descriptions. School aged children talk about Their feelings (â€Å"I love my cat† ) and how they fit into their social world (â€Å"I’m the best defence on my team†).The cognitive, physical and social changes of adolescence allow the teenager to develop identity that will serve as a basis for their adult lives. In relation to Erikson this part of identity development would fall s under the identity versus role confusion stage, adolescents description of self-expands to include personality traits (â€Å"I’m positive†) and attitudes (â€Å"I don’t like stuck – up people†). The emergence of abstract reasoning allows adolescents to think about the future and experiment with different identities. James Marcia a clinical and developmental psychologist also has an interpretation of identity development. He theorized that identity development involves two steps. First, adolescent must depart from childhood beliefs and start to explore alternatives for identity development. Second, adolescents, make a commitment as to their individual identity in that Area. Marcia Identified four â€Å"identity statuses† to describeShow MoreRelatedHas Anyone Put Any Psychological Thought Into How They1483 Words   |  6 Pagestheir identity? Two psychologists, Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget, dedicated their lives to this type of development. Erikson theorists would take a social influence stance, and Piagetian theorists focus on one’s cognition. So, who is right? More knowledge has been obtained to know that human behavior should be social and the need to socialize with other people. Erikson believes this whereas Piaget thought of qualitative thinking that shapes a child. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Salmon Essay Example For Students

Salmon Essay What species would travel over 2000 miles just to have young and then die? Ithas been said that anyone who has not seen a wild salmon has not seen what afish should be. Salmon was the common name applied to fish characterized by anelongated body covered with small, rounded scales and a fleshy fin between thedorsal fin and tail. In this paper I will be discussing history of studyingsalmon, the life cycle, spawning and mating behaviors; which has much to do withthe total reproduction of salmon. Salmon were studied earlier than some maythink. Experiments were done by men that date back to the mid-1600s. Theseexperiments involved catching salmon in fresh water, tagging them, and thencatching them again when they return to the same place, around six months later. These experiments were doubtful and it was not until the beginning of the1900s that proof was available that the salmon returned home. (Shearer)Although usually drab in color before the breeding season, which varies with thespecies, members of the salmon family develop bright hues at spawning time. Themale, during this mating season, usually develops a hooked snout and a humpedback. In many diverse taxa, males of the same species often exhibitmultiple mating strategies. One well-documented alternative male reproductivepattern is female mimicry, whereby males assume a female-like morphology ormimic female behavior patterns. In some species males mimic both femalemorphology and behavior. We report here female mimicry in a reptile, thered-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). This form of mimicry isunique in that it is expressed as a physiological feminization. Courting malered-sided garter snakes detect a female-specific pheromone and normally avoidcourting other males. However, a small proportion of males release a pheromonethat attracts other males, as though they were females. In the field, matingaggregations of 5-17 males were observed formed around these individualattractive males, which we have termed she-males. In competitive matingtrials, she-males mated with females significantly more often than did normalmales, demonstrating not only reproductive competence but also a possibleselective advantage to males with this female-like pheromone. In thecompetitive mating trials, the she-males were successful in 29 out of 42 trials. The normal males won out in only 13! The authors ask the question: Why arentall males she-males given such an advantage? (Mason, Robert T., and Crews,David; Female Mimicry in Garter Snakes, Nature, 316:59, 1985.)Comment. Among the fishes, bluegills and salmon (and probably many others) havefemale-appearing males competing with normal males. Abstract: The influence ofsperm competition and individual mating behaviour in an externally fertilizingspecies of fish, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), is estimated from videoobservations of multiple-male spawnings and subsequent paternity analyses. Onemale dominated the paternity during polygamous spawnings, fathering more than80% of the progeny in a single nest. Behavioural analyses of the spawningsshowed that the first-mating male had sperm precedence in 6 out of 10 cases. Inthree of the other spawnings, sperm limitation likely influenced individualsuccess, as the first-mating male had participated in a large number ofspawnings. In the fina l, nearly simultaneous spawning, male size was moreimportant than the 0.6-s difference in spawning times. Thus, male fertilizationsuccess can be influenced by a variety of factors, including sperm precedence,male size, and spawning history. Back to Table of Contents Before mating, oneparent excavates a nest for the eggs; after the eggs are deposited andfertilized, the female stirs up the stream bottom so that earth and stones coverthe eggs and protect them. The eggs hatch in two weeks to six months, dependingon the species and the water temperature. During the migrations andnest-building activity that precede mating, neither the females nor the malesconsume food. In the life cycle of the pacific salmon, nature recycles theparents to feed the babies. Mature salmon leave the Pacific Ocean as saltwaterfish, never again to eat as they battle their way up the Columbia River to spawnin the home stream where they were born. Those born in the upper reaches of theColumbia Rivers tributary st ream, the Snake River, travel more than 1,000 milesinland to lay their eggs and fertilize them, roughly one fourth of the distanceacross the United States. Without enough reserves in their bodies to get back tothe Pacific, the adult salmon spawn and die. To spawn, a female salmon scoops anest in stream-bottom gravel by waving her tail and deposits her eggs in thehole. The male releases milt (sperm) into the water that covers the eggs andfertilizes them. Then the female brushes gravel over the eggs, and both parentslie exhausted in the stream until they die. Micro-organisms in the waterdecompose their bodies during the winter, and this process increases thepopulation of micro-organisms in the stream. Come spring, the salmon eggs hatchinto the tiny fish called fry. The first food is the microorganismsin the stream. The Pacific salmon never see their parents, but are actuallynourished by their decomposed bodies. The next step in growth isfingerlings, then young salmon make the dangerou s trip downstream,past dams and waterfalls to the ocean. There they grow into adults, averagingsix pounds in weight. In its life cycle, the pacific salmon takes five forms andsizes: a pea-sized egg, one-half-inch embryo, one- to three-inch fry, four- tofive-inch fingerling, and fully grown, six-pound adult one to two feet long. Women Rights | | EssayBibliography1. Mills, Derek. (1989). Ecology and Management of Atlantic Salmon. NewEngland, New York: Chapman and Hall. 2. Shearer. (1978). The Atlantic Salmon. New York: Halsted Press form 3. Cone, J., ; Ridlington, S. (Eds.). (1996)The Northwest Salmon Crisis: A documentary History. Corvallis, Oregon: OregonState University Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Kamdhenu Dairy Case free essay sample

Case Analysis: â€Å"Kamdhenu Dairy† Decision Analysis I PGP1 Section B Group 4 Group Members AMARENDRA SAHOO PGP2011533 BHAWNA GOKANI PGP2011595 CHATARKAR ANURAG MAHADE PGP2011600 C. LALRUATSANGA 2011FPM06 RUPSA CHAKRAVARTY PGP2011837 SAARANG K. MEHTA PGP2011841 UTKARSH SINGH PGP2011923 Case Analysis – Kamdhenu Dairy (A) Decision Variables Let x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 be the 12 combinations of Main and By-Products as given in the table. Table 1: Decision Variables Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Product Mix (Variables) FA Milk + Butter (x1) FA Milk + Ghee (x2) SMP + Butter (x3) SMP + Ghee (x4) WMP + Butter (x5) WMP + Ghee (x6) Baby Food + Butter (x7) Baby Food + Ghee (x8) Cheese + Butter (x9) Cheese + Ghee (x10) Std Milk + Butter (x11) Std Milk + ghee (x12) In this case our Objective is to maximize the Contribution (Z) as given in the table Z = Total Revenue – Total Direct Cost Total Direct Cost = Milk Cost + Processing and Packaging Cost Total Revenue = Revenue from Main Product + Revenue from By- product Revenue from Main Product = Revenue per unit Main Product (from Exhibit 3) * Quantity of Main Product Revenue from By-Product = Revenue per unit By-Product * Quantity of By- Product Since Ghee are produced from Butter churns we will have to convert the Ghee into Corresponding Butter Units so that constraint for Butter is taken into Consideration. We will write a custom essay sample on Kamdhenu Dairy Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Question 2. a Case 1: Summer without contract Table 2: Constraints are as given in the following table Constraints Limiting values F. A Milk Butter Constraint Total SMP Total WMP SMP (x3)*813 + SMP from (x4)*813 +WMP (x5)*1179 + WMP(x6)*1179

Thursday, November 28, 2019

We Ed mire Him free essay sample

Who would have thought that most of my inspiration would come from a teacher that only teaches two periods a day. My music teacher, Mr. Meier, is hands down the only teacher that has instilled actual life long skills. Besides being my inspirational teacher hes also my coach. What sport could a music teacher possibly teach? Marching band of course. Through this sport Mr. Meier has tough me how to become a mentally stronger person. From my first day walking in to spring workshops as an eight grader to my senior year walking off the Syracuse Dome turf, hes always there to help me become a better person. During my first year in drum line, I was the only girl in the section, which made me feel out of place. Once he saw my despair he immediately comforted me by praising me for being so brave to join a once predominantly male section. We will write a custom essay sample on We Ed mire Him or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This has tough me to never second-guess myself and to step outside of the norm. When I struggle with a rhythm, hes always there to encourage me to really dig deep. From his constant reminders Ive learned to never give up and always try hard because in the end theres always a reward. Finally when I felt like giving up he was there to give me his wise words of encouragement about how the ones who try their hardest always prevail over the others. From his words I finally became section leader after all of my five years of hard work. It may sound crazy to some but to me my greatest inspiration is my high school music teacher. From him Ive learned valuable lessons guaranteed to last a lifetime. I always go with my heart no matter what others might say, I never give up even when things get rough, most importantly Ive learned that through failure and hard work anything is possible. Moving on through life will have its ups and downs but I will always remember this great man. Through out my marching band career weve shared and unbreakable bond. So its safe to say Ill always edmire, Ed Meier.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Social Classes and Class Structure

Social Classes and Class Structure Introduction According to Karl Marx, analyzing social classes and structures as well as variations in the structures are critical in understanding modern capitalism other social systems or even modes of production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Classes and Class Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marx and Engels argue that the communist in the manifesto ‘†¦the history of all hitherto existing in the society is the class struggles† (Marx and Engels 35). Analyzing class distribution and struggles is relevant in establishing knowledge about capitalism. Social classes are divided into two main classes with distinct features one comprises the owners or possessors of property as well as the means of production. This group performs the role of production. The other factor is concerned producers and controllers of the surpluses in relation to human social labor. The economic factors in the m odern world govern social relationships in capitalism than it did in ancient times. This paper therefore discusses stratification and conflicts that exist in society. It bases on the statements made by Marx in scholarly works. Relevance of Marx Ideas Divisions in Capitalism Earlier societies consisted of several sections or clusters that can be perceived to be classes. They were not classes parse but elites not specifically based on economic factors but also incorporated other things such as priesthood, knights or military elite. In the modern society, other classes of people such as capital owners, petty bourgeoisie and peasants are incorporated in the production process.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In spite of Lumpen proletariat existing, they are not primarily in terms of the dynamics of capitalism or its expansion and development. Bourgeoisie The bourgeoisie co ntrols the means of production such as capital and labor. The capital exploit the workers by misusing their labor meaning that they produce much but are paid less. They utilize the surplus value created from employment of labor to accumulate and expand their capital. Owning massive resources is not equivalent to possessing capital power and labor; it does not make an individual to be bourgeoisie. To be a capitalist or member of bourgeoisie class entails the ownership of huge capital, active participation in capital accumulation, using capital to organize production, employ and exploit labor and finally make the capital self regulating by using the surplus value to continue the cycle of capital accumulation (Marx and Engels 48). Bourgeoisies began in cities of medieval Europe. This was during the development of mercantilism, artisans and manufacturing. The main aim of economic survival for the people was increase wealth through trade and commerce. The bourgeoisies needed much freedom in marketing activities and economic expansion activities. Capital ownership was achieved by labor employment (industrial capital) while for some it was acquired through trade (merchant capital). Those who employed workers to create and expand capital succeeded in acquiring capital consequently leading the sector of bourgeoisie.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Classes and Class Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The proletariat The workers only own their labor implying that they earn their living through their ability to work. They do not own any resources in form of capital meaning that they own nothing apart from their hands, bodies and minds/skills. The Proletariat works hard to sustain their lives and provide basic needs to their relatives and other dependants. They have to seek employment if they are to continue coexisting in the society. For an employee, working for a capitalist is not peaceful instead; the kind of relation that exists is exploitative in nature because the worker performs many activities with insufficient returns. The exploitative relationship between the worker and the employer is cumulative meaning that it keeps on repeating itself. The capitalists accumulate wealth by underpaying the worker (Marx and Engels 50). The workers produce goods and services that belong to the capitalist meaning that workers are also properties of capitalists. They produce goods that create surpluses to the bourgeoisie but they remain in poverty. Exploitation occurs in every day’s production process, which ends up restricting workers from acquiring wealth and regenerates the best working environments for further exploitation (Marx and Engels 50). The existing mode of production is arranged in such a way that the property owners continue enjoying better opportunities while workers continue occupying their current positions.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Capitalists accumulate the excesses obtained in the production process by workers. The intersection point between workers and capitalists is the production process. The capitalist who create struggles and intrigues hence causing tension in the society exploits the workers. Alienation of Proletariat Although the workers are the direct producers of goods, they are slaves of the goods they produce. The produced good has more value than the worker does because they are offered maximum security and stored in safe places. The workers produce goods that they do not consume, they produce for others. The increase in product value decreases the viability of the workers. The worker ends up being treated the same way goods are treated, treated as equals. Workers are perpetually pushed to the periphery leading to alienation from the process of production. The way workers relate to the whole process of production leaves a lot to be desired because the relationship is unnatural and uncalled for. T he workers never find satisfaction because they satisfy the interests of other individuals (Capitalists). The worker views the whole process of production as forced labor because actually it is inhuman. The worker ends up being alienated from the self because of the last two forms of alienation. The worker portrays two personalities; one is the feeling of belonging to capitalism because the worker is separated from real consciousness. In the other hand, workers perceive themselves as human beings ((Marx and Engels 54). The last form of alienation that dissatisfied Marx is alienation from others implying that the worker is separated from other people. Workers cannot relate normally to others because individuals with separated self cannot interact in accordance to societal norms. They view others as properties of capitalism. It is at this point that Marx noted with finally that only a revolution would salvage humankind from all these troubles. Social Stratification: Marxist Perspectiv e Marx observed in his statements that capitalism brings about differentiations in society. The rich are at the top while the poor are at the bottom perishing in great poverty. In modern capitalistic societies, classes differentiate people. According to Marx, the capitalistic culture is a divisive force not an integrating one. The existing social groups are differentiated in property meaning that some benefit more than others do. The owners of the means of production who enjoy power, prestige and luxurious life occupy the higher positions. Social stratification basing on property is found in all human societies. For societies to survive therefore role allocation is indispensable. Society attaches unequal rewards to social positions because people differ in ability and positions differ in terms of importance. Unfortunately, the important positions benefit the elite (Marx and Engels 56). There is a heated debate on whether unequal rewards function to motivate talented individuals. Gen erally, social stratification basing on capital is a mechanism in which some exploit others. The elite uses the institutions of the state to advance their interests, in fact Marx termed the state as the committee of dominant class. Those with highest rewards enjoy superior life chances such as access to high education, quality housing and special Medicare. Those who occupy important positions erect barriers to recruitment of others into comfortable positions. They use capital power to restrict access to their positions by creating unnecessary demands to the position services. The different rewards exist to propel hostility, suspicion and mistrust. It gives the low class the feeling of exclusion from larger society leading to formation of solidarity, which might cause tensions and more conflicts with threats of revolutions. Conclusion The statements made by Karl Marx serve to describe how people should liberate themselves. Liberation would be achieved through people’s consciou sness. People will arise up against the existing mode of production because of its social injustices. The mode hands a few the power of investment while the majority survive at the mercy of the owners of the means of production. The state cannot liberate the masses because the capitalist to enhance self-interests uses it. Exploitation and alienation are the most pressing issues among the workers; they are the same things that disillusioned Marx to an extent of calling for a revolution to guarantee mass happiness. Work Cited Marx, Karl and Engels, Fredrick. The Communist Manifesto: introduction by Martin Malia, New York: Penguin group, 1998, pg. 35.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Yuan Dynasty is the Golden Age of Chinese Drama Research Paper

The Yuan Dynasty is the Golden Age of Chinese Drama - Research Paper Example This essay highlights that  the woman decides to take her own life rather than join the rival forces. A goose symbolizing her soul, then haunts her empty chambers. However , the Khan leaders after discovering the evil intent of the courtier Mao Yen-Shou, decides to make peace with the Han Emperor by sending him the courtier to take revenge for his fallen woman. An analysis into the play also reveals the use of self identification and explanatory monologue witnessed from characters in the play. An example is that when a character in the play is invited, he starts by revealing his identity   and telling background. Moreover, the structure of the play reveals use of alternative prose   and verse.  As the discussion declares  the role type used in the play is limitation to one single role because, for example, one character in the play is used in singing songs present in the play all through the way. Lastly, the play also demonstrates the use of recapitulation almost all charac ters in the play recapture the happenings in the previous scene before proceeding to the actions of the present scene. Moreover, the play deploys the use of four-act division   and the wedge in its structure. It includes four acts and one short unit known as the wedge.